Thomas Sowell, on the evil boy in the White House:

‘..People who are increasingly questioning Barack Obama’s competence are continuing to ignore the alternative possibility that his fundamental values and imperatives are different from theirs. You cannot tell whether someone is failing or succeeding without knowing what they are trying to do. When Obama made a brief public statement about Americans being beheaded by terrorists, and then went on out to play golf, that was seen as a sign of political ineptness, rather than a stark revelation of what kind of man he is, underneath the smooth image and lofty rhetoric..’   Link

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9 Responses to Thomas Sowell, on the evil boy in the White House:

  1. bho knows exactly what he intends and how to achieve his intent- change – from Constitutional mandate to a muslim-commie country-

  2. Ronbo says:

    Obama is a dangerous America hating communist psychopath….and from his viewpoint has been VERY successful in his destruction agenda. :evil:

    Why do so many people NOT GET THIS SIMPLE TRUTH :?: :shock:

  3. Contempt says:

    :shock: heard this on talk radio – “Clinton was our first Black president. Obama is our first woman president.” Funny and sick at the same time. :roll: Gonna get worse before it gets better.