‘Tony Abbott has foiled Barack Obama’s attempt to hijack the G20 with climate change, refusing to put a cent into the US President’s push for a $10 billion global green climate fund.
And as chair of the G20, he succeeded in ensuring global economic growth and job creation was at the top of the final declaration yesterday, delivering a blow to Mr Obama’s attempts to elevate climate change to a first order issue of the world leader’s meeting.
In one of the rare instances of an Australian leader standing up to a US President on a major policy issue, Mr Abbott refused to allow the final communiqué to include a binding requirement that all G20 nations commit to the Green Climate Fund announced by Mr Obama on Saturday at University of Queensland.’
(via Tim Blair)
Maybe next time he can seat Obama at the kids table

Great stuff! Well done Abbott!
I’m impressed. Proper politics are back on the menu in Australia again. The doors here in England if you’ve got any politicians like Abbott to spare.
Doors here OPEN. Sorry, pished. Normal, pub not shut yet.
Doors here OPEN
Doors open to Aussie bludgers? No they’re not.
Every damn country has it’s share of bludgers, Andrew. Lay off the Aussie-bashing.
Give Tony Abbott a high five. Way to go dude.
It looks like the people have spoken. Gillard pushed for the ETS, the Australians felt let down. Now Mr Abbott, is sticking up for his voters. I say Amen. And why do we need a climate fund. How about people clean up their own rivers, grow their own trees, and develop their own industries.
Your shoelaces are made in 31 countries. One thread comes from Brazil, gets sent to Russia, Russian adds a thread, sends it to Bangladesh, and this goes on for 31 countries. Now what if we could make the same shoelace at the same price here in New Zealand, that would do something for the environment. Think of all the pollution that would reduce. I’m not saying no trade, but I am saying the more industries we have that can produce things at a competitive price, the better that is for our environment.
I agree, Warren.
There’s no way in hell Obama is getting a Green Climate Fund through the new and vastly improved (relatively speaking) U.S. Congress. As to Tony Abbott, and to the U.S. voters in most states — I salute you.
I hope you’re right, GW, but I wouldn’t trust the Republican leadership an inch on any issue.
The RINOS run the show in Congress, so I will be very surprised if they stand up to O’Bummer.
But to tell the truth, I never put much faith in the Republicans stopping Obama by peaceful and constitutional means…I think the situation in America has long gone beyond resolution by peaceful political means.
These are revolutionary times when he who would rule must conquer the opposition…or die.
So I think it will come to Iron & Blood in the not to distant future.
I find myself hoping it does, Ronbo, because I can see no other solution available.
What I like best about these repeated disrespect incident by foreign leaders is that it makes our “Magic Negro” even more crazy.
As is well known, the psychopath personality types cannot process disrespect because they think themselves the greatest thing under the sun….persons to be worshiped like gods.
So sooner or later Obama is going to start foaming at the mouth and eating the carpet like his mentor Adolf Hitler in the last days of the Third Reich when he gets disrespected one too many times.
CNN will not show the video, no doubt, but Fox will run it 24/7.
The next time you see Obama speaking turn off the volume and watch his body language…This is a very angry man. I’ve said for years at some point he will lose his cool and go off in a Hitler like rant on live television.
…and when he starts chewing the carpet it’s free beer at my favorite bar