Thanks to Michael in Nelson for this.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Its ironic that the same people who create the problem, pay people to protest against the problem. An environmentalist was door knocking for help. He wanted $6 a week from me to help clean our rivers, grow more trees, and protect the few dolphins.
I said we’re already paying for that. We pay an ETS on electricity, but that money goes overseas to grow other people’s trees. So if that money that we’re paying for went to our environment, our environment would be doing well.
So I told him, we’re already paying for this service, its time the money got used to help our environment, don’t ask for more money, until it is done. And if the money were used for our environment, the money would circulate in our own country.
I’m not a climate activist, I am a climate realist, I don’t see how their ideas are going to fix the environment. But as a compromise, if the money really is going to our environment, I’m much happier for that to happen, than what is going on at the moment. I still can’t figure out how people can believe the ETS is going to fix our so called environmental problems. Can somebody please explain this to me.
They can’t. Because it won’t. It’s a feelgood stunt at our expense.
I always object to the idea that the environment needs “fixing” in the first place.
I feel guilty for mentioning this but I found the woman squealing after the collision not upsetting in the slightest. Its not a game.
Damn right it’s not, Brown. Greenpeace is a huge, corrupt organisation and it’s members are little more than eco-terrorists. Anti-Western, anti-prosperity and very dangerous.
Screw ’em.
I occasionally watch the Sea Shepherd show on TV,except I generally root for the Japanese.I keep hoping they haven’t forgotten how to make Torpedoes since WWII
Thanks guys I see, that I’m not alone in my skeptism.
Not in here, Warren.