the more women are employed in any organisation, the worse the performance of that organisation will be.
Bribery is viewed with disapproval by most Westerners, yet there’s something to be said for the simple transaction involved when dealing with bureaucrats in many countries. (I want ‘x’ and I’m prepared to pay you ‘y’ to expedite it.)
The document stamp or whatever is delivered, the money paid and both parties are satisfied.
I’ve been watching and listening to Gecko dealing with a number of organisations concerning our move to Australia. Without exception she’s been put on long holds, shunted from person to person, none of whom seem to either be responsible for the answers to her queries or able to return ‘phone calls or emails as requested. Time means nothing to them, because they’ve never had to deliver a product on time to paying customers who have the choice to go elsewhere.
And also without exception the people she speaks to are women who seem to be utterly disorganised, not even aware of the policies and practices of the departments they work in.
Where once even a fairly large company would have employed a “personnel officer” and perhaps a couple of typists, now we have fleets of chattering effing starlings who have no concept of performance standards and accountability.
Perhaps it’s time to introduce outright bribery into the femi-bureaucracies of the West–a bag of peanuts or a few bananas might get their attention.