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I’m not so sure. There is a developing smart element within Maori that wants to get the land issues settled, form viable business units and deal to both the gangs and the troughers. The future may be better than you think but I’m not saying it will be an easy road.
Thanks Brown. The way I think of it is, if someone stole my land, and then sold it to someone else, and they built a house on it. I could say, hey that’s my land. “But I already paid for the land and built a house on it”. So when a third party is involved, you would expect it to sort of go like this. “Warren are you prepared to compensate Jack for the cost of the house, for the labour and materials”. “Uh, no I don’t have the money”. Ok well if Warren can’t compensate Jack, maybe Jack can compensate Warren for the land that was taken.
So when you pay rates, its quite possible that some of that money goes to Maori. If the Maori did have their land stolen, they deserve compensation. And if they were forced to sell at gunpoint, this is duress, and if an agreement has duress, it is legally null and void.
So the issues for me: Was the land stolen, or sold under duress? Has adequate compensation been paid out? If we really have paid out adequate compensation, then Maoris should have the same rights as everybody else. The fact that Maoris have special privileges says that perhaps something isn’t settled. And if they never wanted to sell their land to begin with. Well where does that leave us?
I’m saying some issues are complicated. But at the same time, I do agree it has just gone too far, of Maori privileges. But at the same time it must be dealt tactfully.