‘Obama Defends Amnesty On Facebook: Illegal Immigrants ‘Are American As Any Of Us’..’
Oh well, if the President says so…I’ll just pop over to Mississippi and be an American.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Actually if the immigrant is from Canada, or Mexico, or the banana republics of Central America, or the Caribbean islands, or South America. he or she would be an American in the same context that English, French and Germans are Europeans.
But I doubt that was what he meant…
This traitorous bastard just legalized 5,000,000 new potential workers . . . which happens to be more than the entire number of jobs created under the reign of Barack Hussein the First. This worthless mf has just posted the welcome sign at our incredibly porous borders, all to screw those people in this country who do not agree with him. It is now officially time for the withered tree of liberty to be watered.
“It is now officially time for the withered tree of liberty to be watered.”
You have mail.
Thanks, Pascal.
KG, hope this helps, but don’t eat cold grits anywhere, they don’t taste very good.
Thanks Grog!
“I’ll just pop over to Mississippi and be an American.”
Well,you can drink Beer and Shoot,all you need is a 4wd and your in
Honestly you’d probably like it here
You bet I would! The choice of State was no accident.
Great state flag, too. Hooray,hooray for Dixie.
When I saw the headline, I din’t know if they clashed foreheads or if it was a new homosexual fetish position.
Sick puppies
Caesar Obama http://www.wnd.com/2014/11/caesar-obama/
‘Wind gusts hit 141kmh ‘
This has been going on for weeks. I hate fucking wind.
If I had wind like that I would build a windmill and give the power company the double finger salute,color me jealous.
I hate it anyway.
See Lois,e-mails really are forever
Sharyl Attkisson gets further vindication from released emails.
It’s the DOJ that’s out of control. That bastard Holder should be facing jail time.
Permanent rope burn would be better
Holder’s buddies:
‘Report: New Black Panther Members Arrested with Bombs Near Ferguson’
HHS ‘helps’ the stupid American public
The book has now reached the Appalachians, circa 3522, so it’s time for a few Bourbons to get into the swing of it
Good on yer, Os!
Br’er Rabbit has been a very naughty boy (he shagged the Governer-General) and has been thrown into the briar patch, by the academy commandant
It sounds a tad..errrm..steamy for a sci-fi novel.Not that one disapproves. How soon will it be finished?
In the classic tradition, we have sex- but no graphic descriptions of what happens behind closed doors. The story is good enough to work just knowing that it happened.
Actually had a bit of praise for doing it that way
Good. I don’t mind graphic sex in its place but too often it’s a distraction from the real story in action adventures. And this could be worth keeping in mind…
Quite. As with a rather brutal interrogation involving a chainsaw, I saw nothing to be added other that an it was a particularly nasty interrogation.
I credit my readers with an imagination.
“It sounds a tad..errrm..steamy for a sci-fi novel.”
You’ve not read Francis Poretto’s “Freedoms Fury” then?
Not graphic or steamy, but raises some interesting scenarios.
I sure have read it, MvL.