Imported barbarians

and it will only get worse, the more of these muslim animals we import. The lessons of Norway, Sweden, France and Britain are lost on New Zealanders.
Mind you, that’s not surprising. People who get their news from television and the NZ newspapers really have no idea about what’s happening in the wider world.\
Stuff like this:
‘Muslim MP: 2,000 Britons fighting for Islamic State
Labour MP Khalid Mahmood says 2,000 jihadists have travelled to Syria and Iraq from the UK – a fourfold increase on official estimates..’
And of course they’re only “Britons” inasmuch as they’re British passport holders. They’re about as British as Robert Mugabe’s syphilitic dog.

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8 Responses to Imported barbarians

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    No, it’s the brain-dead mentality of “it couldn’t happen here”.

  2. mistress mara says:

    Islam is incompatible with the peace and security of civilized societies and must be quarantined or destroyed. By the time this reality is realised by the Governments throughout the West, it will be FAR too late. btw, I loved this comment by a British woman recently about a British citizen who has all of his fingers blown off while fighting for ISIS. …… ” He can now use his hands to count the number of fucks I give.”

  3. mawm says:

    All the while Key marches to the UN tune without a thought as to the consequences of his easy acquiescence to multiculturalism. Does he not get intelligence briefings on what is happening all over Europe? And the dishonest Devoy does not mention that it was a person of Middle Eastern appearance responsible for this attack or of the other ones reported in the link in that piece. Personally I’m tired of having to deal with the imported scum on a daily basis and refuse to give in to their demands for a change in practice to suit their culture.

  4. KG says:

    “…and refuse to give in to their demands for a change in practice to suit their culture.”
    That’s the kind of courage in desperately short supply nowadays.
    And Devoy is not fit for purpose. :evil:

  5. Warren Tooley says:

    I wish we could do things like we did in the 90s. How is this going to benefit the country? was our immigration policy. If people had plenty of money to set up a business, that got them immigration points. If they didn’t have that, they had to score darn well, in their abilities with other things. It wasn’t about what we could do for them, but what they could do for us. If we made that our policy, we could avoid being called Maori bashers and racists for telling the truth. Their is an MP who was called Maori basher and racist.

    The thing I’m absolutely sick of, is people on the street, nearby my apartment complex, in the bus loudly speaking something another language than english. This is one of the reasons that I badly need a car.

  6. Phil Stephenson says:

    ” … They’re about as British as Robert Mugabe’s syphilitic dog … . ” That’s pure gold.