‘A grand jury has decided not to indict the white police officer who fatally shot black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a prosecutor says..’
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Was listening to radio prior to the decision and the host of the show was going on about how the decision was whether or not to charge the office for the killing of an unarmed teenager and the protesters/demonstrators wanted some sort of justice. No mention the young man was 18, 6’3″ and 300 pounds. Nothing about the strong arm robbery minutes before. Only some remark that ‘In the US people are allowed to use deadly force in self-defense’. Like that is not the law here? in Britain, Australia? Canada?
Folks starting to run in the streets now, the riots can’t be far off…shots fired
Thanks to the Internet, those in the world who want to know the truth learn about it in real time
One American commentator opined that “this could start a race war.”
I thought a race war is when two races are attacking each other. If one race does the bulk of the physical attacking, is it still a “war”?
Debate, anyone?
Well, it’s certainly a war. But a war in which one side refuses to face the truth – that they’re targets because of their white skin. Or perhaps more correctly because they’re not black.
It’s because we hid their food stamps under some work boots
Yes, there is a racial element here, the black gangster culture hates all whites and wants to see them dead; however, there are many white Progressives (Communists) in the Democrat Party who are their allies, and want to the see all white patriots dead.
On the patriot side there are more than a few blacks, many of them veterans like Colonel West, who are in the Tea Party Movement and members of the Republican Party,
Let the big chimpout commence!
This thing will last as long as the stores have something on the shelf to loot.Think of it as Black Monday
Right you are, my friend
The patriots will rise with guns in their hands
This is the Fort Sumter moment…
The Second U.S. Civil War has started, but the patriot army is still in camps. It’s 1861 all over again…
The blow back will be awesome when it comes and the world will recoil in shock and horror as Americans start killing one another in mass numbers.
Soviet-Style Media
will not end until we end it. One. By. One.
Yes indeed.
I thought they were going to throw the cop under the bus. But of course the powers that be NEED the police to enforce their will…
Just as they need inter-racial friction, Os.
Yes, the formula was all sorted out in the 1930’s.
But wait, there’s more: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11364222
The Tamir Rice incident is waiting in the wings. I wonder what the race of the police officer who shot this kid is. (And I would like a more recent photo of the deceased than the one doing the rounds.)
…’Heavy Automatic Gunfire’
..Multiple Businesses Burned Down
There is an unfortunate element to all of this. If my understanding is correct, the vast majority of the feral professional victim class protesters are not from Ferguson. They’ve just come there to get there riot on. I heard one of these assholes say that they won’t stop until the white folk are afraid. Let’s see, blacks make up about 12% of the population and I have a lot of bullets. Afraid isn’t going to happen . . . anticipation, now, that’s a different story.
Once the first bullets start flying it won’t be long before it spreads nationally.
It is now agreed that the catastrophic events which followed occurred in part because Washington, which was celebrating American-African History Week, simply did not recognize the depth of resentment in the country.
I know that media worldwide is loving this. At least until the next “outrage” occurs. Meanwhile looters anywhere should be shot on sight. Protesting is one thing, looting is another. Ferguson? Another Police failure.
Correction, another Government failure.
It looks like the CW II is breaking out all over America tonight…And as we patriots predicted years ago, the black gangster thugs and their Leftist communist white allies are leading the charge
…and make no mistake – these riots were planned and ordered by Barack Obama, Eric Von Holder and their Progressives allies in the Democrat Party
Not to worry – we patriots are well armed and have had years to stock up on ammunition – if the National Guard and police go under, we are ready to lock, load and go commie hunting.
Was it just me or when Obama (AKA HBSC) gave his ‘Stay calm’ speech after the verdict look really angry? Especially as he walked out of the room. What he said was bad enough but his expression seemed to make it clear he was not happy with the Grand Jury verdict.
On the Drudge Report it’s been changed to “Seasons Beatings.”
BTW, if you folks in countries outside the USA can get video, Fox News is showing some impressive motion pictures of the burning and looting of Ferguson last night.
Interestingly, most of the businesses destroyed belonged to blacks.
We actually get Fox News on Sky. Certainly more informative than the local stuff for pertinent news outside the country (and sometimes in it).
Rush Limbaugh is talking about that on the radio this morning…most of the Obama’s speech last night was about how much “America’s sucks.”
BTW, during Obama’s speech Fox News did a split screen that showed Ferguson going up in flames as he talked.
It would appear I’m not the only one who believes this civil disorder was his work and was designed to put a finger in the eye of those who swept the Democrat Party out of power in Congress, and in many states, in the mid term elections.
Conspiracy view Like Hitler, all Obama has to do to unleash hell is to pick up the phone and call up one of lackeys somewhere. There will be nothing written down.
The ‘Seasons Greetings’ banner was a nice touch.
Who says Americans don’t do dry humor?
Hey now Desperate situations call for desperate action
Kansas bled in the run-up to the CW1.
Now it’s Missouri.
If ever there was time for stand-up Praetorian leadership it is now. That is, before the lights go out all across the USA. Such leadership will not come from the Oval Office.
Ferguson, and the Upright Man leadership vacuum it so vividly exposes, will not be overlooked in places like Moscow and Tehran.
“Ferguson, and the Upright Man leadership vacuum it so vividly exposes, will not be overlooked in places like Moscow and Tehran.”
Damn right it won’t, Flash.
Judging by the numbers it looks to be that there are more white liberals outraged than there are blacks.
Police chief tells the truth,poor bastard will be unemployed next week-