Colonel B. Bunny:

‘..Another is the lie about St. Trayvon in Sanford and Michael Brown in Ferguson. Both were thugs and thieves and the insolent Brown took to walking in the middle of the street and clearly – clearly – attacking the police officer who witnessed his “fuck you” behavior and confronted him. The black segment, for I can find no evidence warranting the descriptor “community,” including our first anti-American occupant of the White House, have united behind the manufactured fantasy that Brown was a pleasant soul yearning to attend Rocket Science School. Even, the “conservative” Newsmax cable channel just a moment ago showed a picture of Brown wearing a . . . SHMG . . . school graduation cap. The scholar! Another image showed him wearing earphones. An innocent “youth” enjoyin’ him some tunes safe at home!
The picture of him stealing from the store clerk was not shown. The lie of omission…’
‘Systematized, on-going ruination.’

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6 Responses to Colonel B. Bunny:

  1. Ronbo says:


    Michael Brown was a typical ghetto rat and dumb ass black gangster in training – If Officer Wilson hadn’t terminated him with extreme prejudice – Brown would have ended up killing some innocent person.

    HE WILL NOT BE MISSED :!: :twisted:

    In regards to Leftist lies, I think 2015 will be the “Year of Rebellion” against the Left, in no small measure because of their “Culture of the Lie”…. :twisted:

  2. Col. Bunny says:

    I hope you’re right about 2015 as the “Year of Rebellion.” There is NO area of public life in the U.S., or the West it seems, that isn’t saturated with lies.

    Obama stood up recently and mouthed the most disgraceful lies about immigration and his powers as chief executive. The very phrase here “comprehensive immigration reform” is a smoking, steaming pile. I can assure you that nothing that I say should be done by way of “comprehensive” reform will be found in any “reform” package of the sellout class. Importing more uneducated, third-world Muslims and Hispanics to add to the 25-50 M illegals already here really isn’t on my list. That may surprise you. :-)

    Be that as it may, there are only so many lies that can be floated and reality is fast intruding in the leftist bubble in the fiscal and economic realm, if nowhere else. Pretty soon people will start to focus on the lies.

    • KG says:

      ” Pretty soon people will start to focus on the lies.”
      I hope so, Col. Bunny. I really bloody hope so. But first a great many of them have to be made aware of the lies, and the MSM won’t be doing that any time soon.

      • Ronbo says:

        The Lamestream Media will never expose the lies, since they are the authors of so many of them, as the Official Progressive Democrat Party Propaganda Organ.

        This be would tantamount to Pravda attacking the lies of the CPUSSR under Stalin :!: :mrgreen:

        Fortunately, the opposition has created a parallel media of truth on television, radio and the Internet.

        I’m very likely not unusual as a patriot who never watches or listens to the Lamestream Media – I have created my own objective sources of information via the Internet.

        I’ve done this for the last five years – when I trashed my last television set and cancelled cable.

        When I did that it was like a great boulder had been lifted off my back…I WAS FREE AT LAST FROM THE BIG LIE :!: :mrgreen:

  3. Mathew says:

    The arsewipe media here do the same thing, remember that Brazilian fellow that got tasered to death. I don’t know if the coppers over reacted or not, the judgement still has to be reached. However it pisses me off that this thief is always presented as – just a fellow who stole 2 packets of tim tams and was running away to sell them for charity or some nonsense.

    Only when you get to the detail do you hear that this thief was high on drugs and resisting arrest. It’s as if these arseholes in the media really believe that the coppers should have looked up his facebook and figured out somehow that he only stole some biscuits and in reality it wasn’t really worth all this trouble; all while they’re running to the scene to confront a violent thief.

    If only we could push one of these media arseholes to the front when police have to confront some violent drug-crazed maniac who just won’t sit down to tea and biscuits.

  4. KG says:

    “If only we could push one of these media arseholes to the front when police have to confront some violent drug-crazed maniac who just won’t sit down to tea and biscuits.”
    sigh…..we can dream, mate.