‘…Chiefest among the nominally nonviolent obscenities of this affair are the words of His August Majesty, Barack Hussein Obama, first Emperor of the United States:
…That this man should have the gall to stand before an audience and prattle about the rule of law – he who routinely flouts the law! – is a blasphemy beyond my power to adequately condemn. That he should call the rioting “an understandable reaction” – he who accused the police of “acting stupidly” in the Henry Louis Gates matter, without having even a superficial acquaintance with the facts! – recalls Maxine Waters’s defense of the Los Angeles rioters after the acquittals in the “Rodney King” trials. Has there ever been a less sincere, more barefaced liar in any American public office, much less in the Oval Office?
America, your greatest shame isn’t allowing Obama the presidency. It’s having returned him to it…’ (bold mine)
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Peter Schiff
The Real Outrage in Ferguson is the Reaction, Not the Verdict
Exactly right.
Francis makes a good point – fool me once, boo on you; fool me twice, boo on me.
What the hell were the voters thinking in 2012
RINO as he was, Romney would have been a better president than Obama
However, four or five million of the conservative base couldn’t be bothered to vote against Obama, so he won…
As always, the comments at the end tell it the way it is….
Good comments, mostly. It amazes me the creep still has supporters, though.
Sadly, he’s nailed it.