”These Cambridge Buttocks Have Restored My Faith in the Future of Western Civilisation
Check out these arses. Not just any old arses, either, but proper, educated Cambridge University arses. On a miserable, cold day in which I have been laid low with man flu, these pert buttocks have restored my faith in the future of Britain…’ Link
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Got my vote
She could go far in life without the high dollar edu
Indeed she could.
by ‘selling’ her body and sex ‘machine’?-
why do women ‘sell’ themselves short?
did you all know that Hef has an IRS deferred ‘foundation’- the Playboy Foundation–
wonder if sharpton donates –and that is why he does not have to do as the rest of us do – and PAY HIS TAXES-
just a thought-
Nah,it’s just biological fact that she is ahead of the game in attracting a mate who will provide for her.
If she happens to also have a high IQ and common sense she may well end up at the top of the pyramid by being blessed with good looks,intelligence and common sense. At that point the feminazis will hate her.
On the other hand she could be the next Helen of Troy,but be a complete witch.If that’s the case she’ll end up alone,angry and Democrat
You got it.
The man could be talking about the American students I know attending the University of Washington, only about five mile distant. I’ve taken a few trips up that way and checked the students and found them to be a herd of mind numbed Leftist robots who can only repeat the PC mantra of their professors.
In fact, the only rebellious and free thinkers I met were the foreign students, especially the ones from the Republic of China (Taiwan) who delight in Red Baiting the CHICOMS (Chinese Communists) whenever they set up their information booth in Red Square (Yes, that’s what they call the college common, which is paved in red bricks) – The Taiwan students, being the good sons and daughters of the Nationalists – usually manage to set up their information booth right next to the CHICOMs and they proudly fly the “Gear Wheel Flag” of red, white and blue that is so hated by the communists.
So you have the commies of mainland China flying the red flag on the left; and the Nationalist Chinese of Taiwan right next door, and to-date, the students who pass by visit the Nationalist booth at about a ten to one ratio.
The Nationalists are much better at advertisement and good at making friends with the American students. Also, the Nationalists give out free cookies and Starbucks coffee Those boys and girl don’t miss anything to get the crowd inside the tent.
Meanwhile the commies right next door look so sad and pathetic that even an anti-communist like me felt sorry for them.
My point is that the College Republicans could do the same thing to fight the dark night of PC at the University of Washington. I checked it out regulations and any college group can set up an information booth on Red Square.
Maybe there are no College Republicans at UW