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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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One word, fuckers. Hydrogen.
Looking good, isn’t it? But it would look better about 4,000 ft above Mecca…..
Yes,with a brief fit of Fusion
Actually, I meant hydrogen a in fuel cell, but in fusion would also be good
If I were president the Keystone XL would be completed and then shortly there after the muzbots would be put on notice that west no longer needs them and they had better get their shit together or else
They want Russia to cut production! Yeah,right! Let’s try and bust their economy with sanctions and then ask them to cut their oil revenue.
What a mighty beast is CAPITALISM
Ayn Rand if she were still alive would be so very happy
Dig this: Obama The Communist Traitor pulls out all the stops on energy production in America – no drilling on public land, chicken shit EPA regulation, etc.
But what happens Private individuals and companies get around every Leftist roadblock and regulation…They drill for oil on private land…They ship the oil to market using the railroads…They drill in pro-energy states like South Dakota and Texas.
The end result is that America is now the new Saudi Arabia and capitalism has triumphed by putting more oil on the International Market. This has the effect of driving down the high price of oil products – like gasoline, for example
…and Ayn Rand smiles at the latest triumph of her Galt’s Gulch.
drill baby drill!!-finally –
some are taking a bold stand!
Atlas Has Shrugged!!
I chimed on on our local
newspapercommunist rag’s forum and posted this-“See liberalz Sarah Palin was right again”
13 liberalz heads exploded before they took it down
Speaking of Lefturds and the coming CW II they are so busy starting – If this guy is typical, and I think he is, the patriots will go thru them like a hot knife thru butter:
I know Oswald and KG will get a good laugh out of this article And apparently it’s not satire.
If that’s not satire, then our Western societies are deeper in the shit than I thought.
I wonder if he would change his viewpoint if he was gang raped? How sad is that, that the question even comes up?
This idiot needs to learn what real courage is