‘…Let’s close with the hardest — but most obvious — truth of all: Black hostility and racial resentment towards white and Asian people are now mainstream.
And they are easy to find it in all the black web sites, all the news shows, fueling all the black mob violence and black on white crime happening right in front of reporters around the country.
More dangerous than ever. More widespread than ever. Sicker than ever.’
American Thinker
And encouraged by a racist President and his Attorney General.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Like the good book says, “There is nothing new under the sun.”
This has all happened before.
My reference is to Bloody Kansas in the late 1850s where violent political confrontations between the Republican anti-slavery Free Staters and the Democrat pro-slavery Border Ruffians were a preview of the coming attraction of the U.S. Civil War that broke out in 1861.
I think the violence at Ferguson that has grown to be nationwide is an ominous parallel to “Bloody Kansas” – It is political violence by the Democrat pro-socialist government faction of radical Leftist blacks and whites verses the Republican pro-capitalist faction that includes the Tea Party Movement, which has as members conservative blacks and whites.
This is not a race war; this is a preview of coming attractions.
I believe this political violence begun by the Left will get worse in the next two years.
The endgame will be the Second U.S. Civil War.
Looking at the links in the article, Ronbo, it’s plain that black violence is close to being out of control. May already be. And the MSM loves it even as they refuse to report it accurately.
I feel for all the decent black Americans who simply want to get on with their lives, go to work and raise their kids.
They urgently need to speak up but who can blame them if they don’t, given the hostility and real physical danger they will be faced with if they do?
It’s clear the young black male ghetto gang banger (The Niggers ) has become the “Storm Troopers” of the Left, and very important to the Progressives, since the white Leftists are a bunch of wimps.
Yes, it is a pity that so many conservative blacks are under the iron heel of the Ghetto rats. I know many fine and decent black veterans who will tell me in private they love the country, vote Republican and hate these black Leftist bastards, but are afraid to tell other blacks of their Rightist viewpoint because they fear violence, not so much against them personally, but against their families.
Call me Pollyanna, but I think this Obama power surge by the Left will result in one hellva blow back against the authors of destruction, and I think standing in the wings is a new generation of black leaders like Colonel West, who is unafraid to tell black Leftist journalists that he has many white friends because they agreed with his patriotism, “They are my people. They are the American People.” he said.
Talk about a privileged class! They know they can get away with violent destructive behaviour and have the President and his racist honchos, and the media making excuses for them. Treating people differently has never done anybody any favours. They need to arrest, charge and incarcerate each and every violent thug out on the streets, irrespective of race or nationality…….and let it be know that they intend to do so with maximum force. That will clear at least half of them off the street.
Hear hear, mawm!
One man sick of the bullshit:
Not only is black violence a sickness, progressivism is a sickness: the New York Times published Darren Wilson’s address:
Everything we see on the streets in Ferguson today is a direct result of progressivism; the NY Times haters are an example of that. The evidence was clear; Darren Wilson did nothing wrong, yet here they are publishing his address…..that’s sickness beyond belief.
Remember everything we see has a purpose for the left…..and that purpose is not for a better life for stupid illiterate blacks who have to be told when to feel aggrieved.
Everything seen in Ferguson is because of blacks. They’re just not supposed to live amongst whites. It has been proven so often.
Recall it only takes 2% nigs in a city for a random white Australian to be shot in the back.
Segregation is the solution.
Dr Ben Carson vs Donna Edwards on Presidents Remarks and Black Crime in America (2013)
The Obambi administration is preparing this since day one. It is all about stripping ALL americans of their rights. It’s about those in power (not left or right) vs We The People.
Of course this is nothing new.
The Whiskey Rebellion
ps already accustomed to hot New Zealand
Happy Thanksgiving, Anglosphere Cousins
God help me! I thought turkeys could fly
George Washington speaks from the grave on Thanksgiving:
Not the brightest bulb
Armed patriot militia shows up to protect private property in Ferguson…
There will be more of this if the Left keeps pushing the race riot gambit.
Last night I took a bit of a cruise on You Tube for US interracial violence and the attitudes displayed by the primates..
I believe American Thinker is correct.
Good point, Flashman – the male black urban ghetto rat is pretty much a subhuman: non-English speaking, stupid, violent and often drags their knuckles on the ground while walking.
In Hong Kong when students got tired of tyranny from Beijing, they got together and did a mass protest, I don’t remember any reports of violence, burning and looting.
However when confronted by reports of injustice (leave aside that they were false for now), blacks in America looted and burned down the shops of people totally unrelated to the incident.
Some whites in the UK also decided to support the blacks in America and also protested, no reports of violence, looting and burning there either.
Draw your own conclusions.