Or watch New Zealand be destroyed.

‘The nephews of Hone Harawira, who attacked the Prime Minister at Waitangi last year, are back in the spotlight.
This time, the Popata brothers have taken over a small Northland sailing club in the small seaside community of Taipa to protest new legislation.
They are occupying the Taipa Sailing Club in protest of the current Marine and Coastal Bill.
While residents told ONE News that they are fearful of the occupation turning violent, the brothers say their protest is peaceful.
“We don’t feel this is a radical occupation kind of thing, we just feel we’re coming back to live on our whenua,” Wikaatana Popata said.
And they say Ngati Kahu and their uncle are supportive of their protest.
“I know he’s been busy down at parliament, but his wife has been here and, yes, we have full support,” Wikaatana said.
Act leader Rodney Hide warned that such protests were going to increase.’
source (h/t commenter Mawm)

And what are the police doing? If Kiwis occupied a marae, would the police stand idly by? This isn’t a copper exercising discretion–it’s politically selective policing.

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