Gecko has a new home

HERE  (the addy is also over on the blogroll, as “Gecko’s pics”)

And what a pain in the butt job that was, migrating it from Google to self-hosted WordPress!  Wabbit is not a geek.

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5 Responses to Gecko has a new home

  1. Darin says:

    “Wabbit is not a geek”

    Think you have it bad,I can never remember how to log in over there

    Congrats on the new home Gecko!
    You need to charge more for your work though ;-)

    :shock: :shock:

    • Gecko says:

      Thanks Darin :| Still need to do some sorting, just very pleased to be away from blogger and having unwanted changes!
      That is a fabulous photo, but worth that that much? :shock:

  2. Mathew says:

    Nice one Gecko.

  3. KG says:

    I keep eight logins in my head, Darin. But then, there’s plenty of space in there….