Uh oh……

‘Russia risks Soviet-style collapse as rouble defence fails
‘What is happening is a nightmare that we could not even have imagined a year ago,’ says Russia’s central bank..’
Let’s hope the Boy King gets some expert advice before ramping up sanctions. The Russian bear pushed into a corner would very dangerous indeed.

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11 Responses to Uh oh……

  1. Ronbo says:

    Economic collapse may start in Russia, but it won’t end there, and it will be the creator of world war… :sad:

  2. Pascal says:

    You know those clowns in the sideshow who razz the rubes into buying off-weighted baseballs to throw at him. That’s the boy king. It’s clear his purpose is to bring destabilization. But he’s too stupid to have done this on his own.

    Figure out who’s behind him and get to them one at a time. It’s a hard task to do, but it can be done with the right people. There surely are some decent people actively digging who have the integrity of the Oath Keepers, but are every bit as hidden as the shadows that they are tracking down. You want to avoid that big world war? Pray the clandestine version of the oath keepers succeed. The over-long reign of the Sophist School of human despotism needs be ended.

    • Ronbo says:

      Pascal, I think we are on the same page: Obama, who may be dying of AIDS according to one report, is a low I.Q., Affirmative Action Black promoted way beyond his level of expertise, which would be busboy at a fast food eatery working for minimum wage and tips.

      Therefore, Obama was created by The Ruling Class and is little more than a puppet on strings, whose every move is scripted by them. Those of you interested in the details, I would recommend you read, “America’s Ruling Class” at http://spectator.org/articles/39326/americas-ruling-class-and-perils-revolution

      So anyone looking to make a real change in the political situation needs to the know the name and address of the Leftist Puppet Master pulling Obama’s strings.

      Yes, I know The Ruling Class is an oligarchy; however, somewhere in the background someone is the “Mr. Big” of this conspiracy. If the Oath Keepers are indeed on the hunt for this individual and could terminate him with extreme prejudice, then much conflict could be ended in the world.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

      • Pascal says:

        This sort of plotting has gone on way longer than the life-span of one man Ron. If there is a Mr. Big rather than a central control politburo, he sits in a seat that has been passed down to him.

        A successor who sticks with the cause rather than feather his own cap is quite rare. Have you ever asked “How has the Prog movement sustained itself through centuries?” IMHO, it’s because they have a moral code that is just as powerful to keep their faith as those of us who still follow the Judeo-Christian one.

        Until our side come to grips with the fact that our enemy does not look at itself as evil but as good, our side will continue to give these fakers the benefit of the doubt. You and I maybe not, but so many we talk do still do. That’s why even the grassroots GOP still tolerate moderates whereas the Dems have nothing but what we would call radicals.

        • Pascal says:

          I’d go on to suspect that the GOPe is closer to Mr. Big than are the Dems.

          Because the Dems employ shock troops while the GOPe protect them, making the Dems the tactical force but the GOPe the strategic force.

          When I’m asked “What’s wrong with moderates?” I say “When radicals seek your head, don’t you think you’d being willing to fight to prevent it? Well, the moderate intrudes with ‘in the pursuit of peace, maybe it would be wise to offer him the tip of your pinky. It’s only a small bit and I’m sure it will satisfy him with your good intentions.’ Moderation of that sort, applied time and again, has proven to be poison to this once great republic. That’s what’s wrong with moderates. They represent the slow death.”

        • Yokel says:

          Certainly in Britain, I think we can trace the start of the rot back at least to 1850 when we permitted Karl Marx to set up home here. It must have had some effect because the Fabian Society was founded in 1905, and the infiltration of every organ of national life began. The dedication to turning the country into a Socialist/Communist one has been handed down several generations since then, and still exists in such bodies as Common Purpose whose “leadership training” has extended throughout all tiers of the British government apparatus as well as major companies.

  3. andy5759 says:

    I hope you’re right, Pascal, that there is a clandestine group of highly placed, highly intelligent, and highly motivated people digging into this. We may never live to see the ultimate fruits of their labours. If we did, we might not like it anyway. Not that we’re hard to please, but that when the rubes find out they’ve been duped blood tends to flow.

    • Pascal says:

      Yes, Andy, the results may very well come after us. My thoughts are based on Newtonian Physics: for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

      On the surface, an organized power to resist the negative elements seems not to exist. Yet that urge to resist represents power, and power abhors a vacuum, so the vacuum will eventually be filled.

      And in that is where your fears are justifiable, for, as you say, we may not like what takes the place of what would be overthrown. In building his argument to make another point, Fran Porretto posted a quote today that fully echoes your fears:

      It is an unfortunate fact of history that “Revolutions, as long and bitter experience reveals, are apt to take their color from the regime they overthrow.” (Richard H. Tawney)

      That’s why I pinned my hopes upon a group known for its principles as a model for the kind of resistance that is needed. To avoid many of your fears, we need a group at least as convinced of its righteousness as the enemy group, but owing it’s first allegiance to G_d.

  4. KG says:

    “That’s what’s wrong with moderates. They represent the slow death.”
    Was it Barry Goldwater who said something like “extremism in the cause of liberty is no vice”?