How about “girls should play with car engines”?

UK Minister: Boys Should Play with Dolls
A government minister has said that young boys should be encouraged to play with dolls to get them “to consider caring as a profession” when they are older.
Equalities Minister Jo Swinson, who has a 12 month old son, said there was a “huge shortage” of men working as carers and the toys children are given to play with when they are young can counter this, the Independent reports…’
Arrogant, ignorant, meddling cow. She and her ilk want to turn all boys into honorary girls. There’s a depth of contempt and even hatred for manhood in that statement which is so damn typical of her kind.

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11 Responses to How about “girls should play with car engines”?

  1. richard says:

    There is nothing new under the sun. Multiple psychological studies performed over different years or even different decades have repeatedly shown that in a roomful of dolls and other toys that males will seek out action toys. Girls tend towards make believe as primary focus. Toys with movable parts (machinery, etc) better fit the former. Dolls and dollhouses and tea sets better fit the latter. Even when guided towards dolls and actively encouraged to engage in role playing with dolls, the male subjects will gravitate away from dolls.

    The UK Minister is simply engaging in an abuse of power, ‘It will be because I say it will be.’

  2. john says:

    Dolls, huh? We talkin’ latex here? :mrgreen:

  3. KG says:

    One for Michael in Nelson:
    ’28-pound rainbow trout caught in northern Idaho would have been record-breaker’

  4. Ronbo says:

    Britain is really behind the times :!: :roll:

    This experiment was done at the ultra Leftist University of California of Berkeley back in the 1970s – You gotta get pretty early in the morning to beat us Yanks at loony tune Leftist ideas :!: :mrgreen:

    What was determined after about a couple years wasting taxpayers’ money :?:

    The little boys when given the dolls turned them into action G.I. dolls and played war games with one another…The little girls dressed up their dolls like Barbie and played house :!: :mrgreen:

    East is East and West is West and boys and girls really are different. :mrgreen:

  5. GW says:

    Well, as a kid, I played with dolls. True, they all had guns and a few even carried around the old flame throwers . . . then I became an infantry officer and cared for my troops, so who knows, maybe the minister’s on to something.

    • Darin says:

      Barbie has been saved many a time over the decades by crack commando units of plastic army men :cool:

  6. Urban Redneck says:

    Everywhere you turn there’s just utter lunacy going on – open border immigration and its ensuing problems met with flat out denial by our political class, gender identity politics and sodomites walking down the aisle..
    No wonder the West is lost.