Elsewhere, it’s known as “theft”.

Big pay rises for DHB heads
Pay hikes for doctors and nurses trailed the bumper rises for district health board chiefs.’
..The biggest winner was Auckland DHB chief executive Ailsa Claire with a rise that put her in the salary band of $570,000 to $579,999.
That was up 45.6 per cent on the previous financial year, which was set at $390,000 to $399,999, although the commission notes that was just for 10 months…’

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12 Responses to Elsewhere, it’s known as “theft”.

  1. tranquil says:

    In-saaaaane. :shock:

  2. MacDoctor says:

    If Auckland DHB was a private company, it would be worthwhile paying that sort of money, and more, for a competent CEO. However, DHBs are, essentially, government departments funded directly by the taxpayers. A CEO in this context is a paper shuffler who requires little or no vision and only mediocre leadership skills. Trust me on this, I have known several of them.

    I would think they are worth no more than 200k.

    • KG says:

      And from the admittedly limited dealings I’ve had with admin staff at a particular hospital, if they’re typical then I’d say 200k is very generous indeed, MacDoctor.

  3. mawm says:

    Not bad for a social worker. My friends tell me she is effing useless and is despised by the senior doctors. :roll:

    • KG says:

      A useless social worker? Amazed, I am. Simply amazed. /sarc
      The Oz health systems are full of overweight middle-aged petty tyrants too. Utterly incompetent, with about as much idea of the true meaning of teamwork as a gang of starlings. Yet “teamwork” is the most over-used word in their lexicon.
      Always in meetings which seem to consist of the girls saying the same thing to one another (in slightly different forms) over and over.
      They confuse this with productive work.

      • Darin says:

        By “team work” they mean everyone else playing for their team.

      • Flashman says:

        You’re not wrong KG. I swear, that for a huge number of these useless bureaucratic mouths going in to “work” is to practice an intense form of self-affirmation with “team meetings” and “drop in’s” the fora. Most of the women and many of the men suffer from this affliction. They could waffle and bullshit for the Olympics…and still complain about how overworked they are.

        I have had work dealings with one of these NZ public-funded outfits, and I have to confess that by fobbing off requests, ticking ‘Tentative’ for meeting invitations, and ruthlessly focusing on the work rather than socializing, I could routinely complete in 1.5 days what the average dozy twat took a full week to do. Of course, the ‘I don’t give a fk’ aura wasn’t popular, but it worked for me and I was untouchable because I could bloody produce.

        So you’ve nailed it, KG…the contrast between them and members of a switched-on “billable hours” private sector organization is chalk and cheese. The former will schedule a hour for a meeting and fill it to overflowing with bullshit and showboating. The latter will wrap it up in well under 20…if a three minute phone call won’t suffice.

        • KG says:

          ” The former will schedule a hour for a meeting and fill it to overflowing with bullshit and showboating. The latter will wrap it up in well under 20…if a three minute phone call won’t suffice.”
          And there Flashy, you have it. In a nutshell.
          Time has no value and little meaning for these clowns because it’s not related to productivity.

  4. Ronbo says:

    The oldest profession for women is hooking…

    The oldest profession for men is also whoring (But we call it politely “bureaucrat”)

    The only solution to the problem is make government as small as possible and keep it close to home.