‘Terminal Sickness’

From Francis Porretto’s latest post:
‘..Though America is poised, ten days hence, to recapture one of the halls of power from the social-fascists, the country is nevertheless in danger. Indeed, it wouldn’t take more than one or two more governmental intrusions upon our society and our economy to render them unsalvageable. Already, nearly half the people of the United States draw government checks for some reason. Already, Washington and the states dispose of nearly half of our national income. Already, there are laws and executive orders in place to bring about martial law and the totalitarianization of our country on the pretext of “national emergency.”
….Our hour has come. Either the American body politic will throw off this sickness unto death the Left has injected into it, or our nation will die. The world will not know its like again.‘ (bold mine kg)

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