
leading inevitably to self-subjugation:
‘An art installation showing high heels on Islamic prayer rugs was pulled from an exhibition near Paris after a Muslim group complained the work could provoke “uncontrollable” reactions, the artist said yesterday…
Tim Blair
Most people are undeserving of the few freedoms they still enjoy.

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16 Responses to Self-censorship,

  1. Ronbo says:

    Ronbo says: blank, blank and Blank! Furthermore, blank, blank and blank :!: Gee, self censorship is so EASY :!:

    DOUBLEPLUS GOOD, heh :?: See you comrades at the noon two minute hate :!:

  2. Wombat says:

    The fuzzy-wuzzy-muzzies can feel free to keep pushing and keep pushing until they provoke an “uncontrollable” response from us. :cool:

    You know what? We live in the age of the internet. People making these half-veiled threats should be named and shamed as enemies of freedom, have their photos put up in a public place, and then the rest of Islam can be routinely called upon to marginalise them as outcasts from the mainstream. They can do this by not permitting them to attend any organised islamic event, up to and including attending a mosque.

    Then, when some nut-bar does something unpleasant in the name of allah the rest of them can point at the list of shame and say “those guys aren’t with us, see?”

    It’s not a silver bullet but it’s a damn good start.

    “Like” one of Choudry’s videos in the internet?

    Hall of shame.

    Attend a rally holding a placard that advocates violence?

    Hall of shame.

    We should treat the people making these “warnings” the same way we’d treat a neo-nazi demanding that someone remove a Jewish work of art. By showing them the door before making them public pariahs.

  3. john says:

    Yeah, we can’t run the risk of all those retard muzloid shoe fetishists masturbating “uncontrollably” all over the prayer rugs, can we? :twisted:

  4. Tom says:

    Sure the filth are crazy,but that is art?

  5. Ronbo says:

    I’ll tell you what Patriots in this country are talking about in regards to the Muzbots – A Muslim Reformation – In other words we take advantage of the large Muslim population is our country and purge the Mosques of the “Preachers of Hate” and put our agents in charge.

    Of course, first we’ll need a Regime Change and get rid of our Leftists in position of authority, and having control of the limitless federal treasury, we fund our kind of Inman to decouple the Jihad and the Sharia Courts from our New Age Islam and export the finished product to the world.

    This would be a top/down effort and by the use of the carrot and stick we use the dictators in the Muslim world to force this ideological reorientation to a “kinder, more gentle Islam.”

    Thus the West takes the offensive over 7th century Islam.

    • Darin says:

      I don’t like that plan.I would rather burn the mosques and chase the bastards to the gates of hell,the blood of their victims demands it.

      I will not differentiate between bad and less bad moslems.Until they repent and turn from their evil they are all the same in my book and not deserving of a single thread of human consideration. :evil:

      • Ronbo says:

        I said, “carrot and stick” Darin….A DAMN BIG STICK – and under the administration of kindly “President Ronbo,” American forces would follow the many Muslim exiles from the West back to their homelands with enough military force to keep a combat boot on their throats until they gave up the idea of Jihad and Sharia, or converted to Christianity.

        In this sort of thing America has experience – After WW II the ideological backbone of Japan, Shinto, was given “The Reformation Treatment” by the American occupation forces.

        …and in ten years with the combat boot on their throats, the Shinto priests suddenly discovered their war verses had it all wrong. :mrgreen: Bad translation, heh :?: :mrgreen: So sorry, please :!: :mrgreen: The emperor wasn’t a War God :!: :shock:

        What was done once can be done again: Total War and a strict military occupation.

        • KG says:

          “I will not differentiate between bad and less bad moslems.Until they repent and turn from their evil they are all the same in my book and not deserving of a single thread of human consideration. :evil:”

        • KG says:

          I disagree, Ronbo. Why the hell spend even more trillions of money people had to work hard for?
          So the muslim countries can benefit in the long term?
          Total war. Total war on Muslims in the West. No welfare. Kill the imams. Deport, close the borders to them. No muslims fly in our pigskin-upholstered airplanes, so disband Homeland *spit* security.
          We won’t need them.
          Especially after obliterating Mecca and Medina and sowing the ground with salt.
          No more foreign aid, unless to proved allies of the West.
          No more “refugees”. Make them stay and sort out their own shit-holes instead of bringing the same pathologies to the West. Either that, or they can seek refuge in other muslim-run countries, NOT OURS.
          I’ve had these fuckers, and what they’ve enabled scum politicians to inflict on us in the name of “security” here in our own countries.
          I’ve had every fucking man, woman and child of them.
          Deport. Isolate. Retaliate.

  6. Mathew says:

    I knew it would happen sooner or later, i am charlie and all that turned to the piss it always was. Give it a year or two at the most and you’ll see the bwave artists and comedians back at it, kicking Christians, George Bush etc. with all their buddies cheering them on and patting each other on the arse about how bwave they are going against the grain, pushing boundaries and stirring controversy. *spit*

  7. KG says:

    As for so-called “moderate muslims”….there’s no such thing. Merely by adhering to a barbaric, totalitarian ideology any non-violent muslim has forfeited the right to live in a majority Christian (or Buddhist or Hindu etc) country.
    I don’t give a damn how individually charming they are, how useful their trade or profession is. There are the sea in which the terrorist swims and by their silence and complicity they aid him.

    • Wombat says:

      That’s unfortunately correct.

      It’s been said before by smarter people than I. The vast majority of Germans under the Nazi movement were simple, peaceful people that just wanted to get on with their lives.
      How many Germans voted to roll over Poland?
      Once Poland was rolled, how many “peaceful, moderate” Germans ripped the reins from the hands of the murderous regime they were in bed with?
      So few as to be irrelevant.

      So too will it go for Islam. We ask them to choose their government over their god, and act surprised when the verdict comes in.
      And make no mistake, there can be no middle ground. Islamic terrorists might be extreme in their methods but their interpretation of the koran is strictly vanilla. After all, it’s pretty fucking hard to misinterpret “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”

      So the “moderate” muslims shed crocodile tears for the infidel and cluck their tongues at the terrorists knowing full well that they, themselves, practice a half-assed lip-service version of islam that can never be reconciled with the religious texts that inspired it.

      But, like the “moderate” Nazis, when push comes to shove, we all know who’s corner they’re going to be in.

  8. Oswald Bastable says:

    The moderate Muslims are like the Germans who would say: “In our little village we just made cuckoo clocks. We knew nothing of the war until your bombers came.”