Open house

and did you know there’s such a thing as the “gluten free community” FFS?
Me neither.  HERE
Any collection of loons, grievance-mongers and victim gravy-train riders is a “community” nowadays.

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23 Responses to Open house

  1. Darin says:

    I’m assuming you’ve seen the ad Godaddy had to pull after pressure from PETA?

    You got mail BTW :grin:

      • KG says:

        :lol: Great mail!!!
        As for the ad being pulled…we’re losing to the left because they are constantly, relentlessly at war with conservatism, and we are disorganised individuals who just can’t be stuffed.
        We need some effective strategies to counter the filth.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          “…disorganised individuals who just can’t be stuffed” … who are too busy working to pay for our families and theirs, to have the time or energy to counter their relentless assault on everything we hold dear!

        • mawm says:

          Relentless it certainly is. Add that to dishonest and brazen. :evil:

  2. Ronbo says:

    February 3, 1994 is my own personal, “Day of Infamy”

    It was on this date I was arrested by the U.S. Secret Service. It was a life changing event for me because I became “The Prisoner” for life and restricted to “The Village” (USA Homeland) where I am spied upon by government agents.

    Be sure to watch the video from the old BBC series “The Prisoner” who was a former intelligence agent sent to “The Village” and placed under 24/7 government surveillance by the mysterious powers-that-be for reasons not clear to him.

    Yes, I’m paranoid, but even paranoid people have enemies in the State. :mrgreen:

  3. Darin says:

    I’ve been invited to a state republican dinner in a few weeks where I will get to hobb it up with the local stars and a few of the national clown reps of the jellyfish society(establishment RINOs)

    I will not hold my tongue,I will speak my mind,flat footed and frank.
    I will fart in their wedding.

  4. Seneca III says:

    The whitewash continues…

    …I have just heard (1350 hrs) one of the proselytisers on BBC Radio 2 refer to an upcoming event as featuring one “Yusuf Cat Stevens”. Could this be the same Cat Stevens who defected to the Religion of Death & Slavery and became ‘Yusuf Islam’ or, by introducing this slippery neologism is Al Beeb either trying to hide something or is it in the early stages of developing a mild case of Islamophobia?

    Answers to be embroidered on a prayer mat, please, and sent direct to the Muslim Council of Britain (preferably attached to a warhead of some sort or the other).

    • mawm says:

      I’m sure it is nothing more sinister than an ageing Mr Stevens needing top up the coffers and wanting some name recognition.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Al Beeb can’t suffer from an illness they themselves invented. And of course they’re trying to hide something. They don’t want racist white people to boycott that nice Mr Islam’s concert just because of iSlamophobia (and just because he called for people to hunt down and murder Salman Rushdie, but let’s just co-exist and let by-gones be by-gones).

      “… this prayer mat will self-destruct in 5 seconds…”

  5. KG says:

    More drivel from the MSM in PC land:

    Some people will read this utter garbage and take it seriously. :shock:

    • Darin says:

      I hate to break it to them,but she’s not popular over here because Tennis isn’t popular,not just because she’s black.

      Maria Sharapova however is popular for a whole nother reason

  6. mawm says:

    At least Ben Carson doesn’t beat about about the bush, hide behind convoluted language or depend on the definition of ‘is’.

    • Darin says:

      I would love to see him president,but I also would not want to see a good man torn apart and dragged through the mud by the leftist ass kissing jackals in the media.(My apologies to Jackals)

  7. Ronbo says:

    Darin Said:

    “I’ve been invited to a state republican dinner in a few weeks where I will get to hobb it up with the local stars and a few of the national clown reps of the jellyfish society(establishment RINOs)

    I will not hold my tongue,I will speak my mind,flat footed and frank.
    I will fart in their wedding.”

    I went to one of those Republican Party function back in 1986, when a good friend of mine, Scott Ellis, was running for Congress, and the woman seated next to me said she couldn’t support Ellis, “Because of all those Christians in Brevard County who were in his camp.”

    I told the woman – the wife of the chairman of the Republican Florida – one Howard Fudge – that Christians made up 80% of the GOP voters in Scott’s Congressional District and if they turned out in numbers on election day, Ellis would overthrow Bill Nelson – the Democrat who represented Brevard County for the last ten years.

    Of course, the RINO Republicans led by Fudge refused to support Ellis who they said was too young (Scott was 26 years old), too conservative (a Reagan Republican) and too much the Christian.

    So Scott lost in a Congressional District that was majority Republican – and since Nelson moved on to become one of Florida’s two U.S. Senators – became a Republican District for the last 20 years.

    The point is that the GOP could have ended Nelson’s political career in 1986 and he would have never became a Senator had they backed Scott Ellis. :cry:

  8. KG says:

    Dang…this Ruger 10/22 has a horrible trigger and I just spent two hours working on it.
    Better, but no banana. And I can’t afford a drop-in replacement, so it’s back to pulling it apart again…

  9. KG says:

    Feminist theatre. No, really! :shock: