First the lawyers…then the “teachers”.
‘A Texan boy has been suspended from school for the third time – on this occasion, for threatening to make a classmate disappear with sorcery from Middle Earth.
Aiden Steward, 9, had watched The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies with his family just days earlier…
..The school’s principal Roxanne Greer declined to comment to media, citing confidentiality policies.
Aiden had earlier been suspended from the school for referring to a classmate as “black”, and bringing The Big Book of Knowledge to school.
His teacher was seemingly not impressed to find the popular children’s encyclopedia had a section on pregnancy, and depicted a pregnant woman in one of the pictures….’
Female-dominated skool, much? My guess is that this kid is bored with all the crap these silly bitches are trying to push down his throat and won’t toe their girly line.
‘Teacher attacked 1st grader for having too much food at lunch…’

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10 Responses to FFS!!

  1. PC says:

    “Kermit Independent School”

    Oh dear *smirk*, clearly run by complete leftist muppets.

  2. Cadwallader says:

    I wonder whether Roxanne is a relative of Germaine….certainly both are full of crap.

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    Suspend the teachers. Right next to the lawyers…

  4. tranquil says:

    Gawd….. sending your children to a “school” like this *has* to qualify as child-abuse.

  5. KG says:

    Francis Porretto, today:
    ‘..Our successor generations include a devastating number:
    • Who are ruled by their emotions;
    • Who’ve never learned critical thinking skills;
    • Who don’t know how to tell facts from opinions;
    • Who place their trust in the opinions of entertainers;
    • Who believe it’s acceptable to shout down one’s opponents;
    • And who dismiss clear thinking and accountability in favor of presumed good intentions.
    They must be made conscious of what’s been done to them. To allow them to continue on in blithe, unreasoning ignorance could spell doom for these United States…’

  6. Dav343 says:

    I agree – First the Lawyers (which happily includes most politicians) and then the Teachers.