Freedom Fighter’s Journal

Ronbo has an interesting post up.  HERE

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5 Responses to Freedom Fighter’s Journal

  1. Robertv says:

    “How many things apparently impossible have nevertheless been performed by resolute men who had no alternative but death.”
    – Napoleon Bonaparte

    • Ronbo says:

      I like that quotation by Nappie, Robertv, but my favorite is the one that goes, “In every private’s knapsack is a field marshal’s baton :!:

  2. Ronbo says:

    The short video above this article was prophetic, especially as “The Prisoner” was filmed in the early 1960s for the BBC. Indeed, we are at that stage where the ruling classes on both sides in the Cold War have become one side.

    This side is totalitarian.

    In regards to my treatment by the American government – Like “The Prisoner” in the TV series I have no idea of the real reason the Feds came down like of a ton of bricks with an absurd list of charges that didn’t pass constitutional muster in 1994. I suspect there was something that happened somewhere in my 20 year U.S. Army Military Intelligence career that they couldn’t prove in court, but that I was suspected of doing. I do know my security clearance was suspended for a month at one point Berlin in the 1970s because I had a German girlfriend. This was highly unusual because all my M.I. friends had German girlfriends and not a word said about those people.

    Then there was my political career after I got out of the service in 1986. Naturally I made lots of Democrat enemies to include Congressman Nelson. Bill Nelson had a habit of speaking conservative in Florida, but when he was in Congress always voting with the hard Left. I got a copy of his voting record and passed it out at all of his town hall meetings, which, of course, contradicted his conservative speeches. I was told that the Nelson camp considered me a royal pain in the butt, as I often engaged him in debate at his Town Hall Meetings. This was in the pre-Internet era and many conservatives were shocked to discover that Bill Nelson was a first class liar.

    Congressman Nelson is said to have remarked to his staff, “I wish someone would take out this Barbour character.” Today Nelson is one of Florida’s two Senators and still a lying psychopath who poses as a conservative in Florida but votes hard Left Democrat in Congress. I was also told by one of our people who was underground in the Nelson camp that he had reported me to the FBI as a “radical conservative” in the late 1980s.

    So what’s the real deal with why the U.S. Secret Service went to such extremes in my case? I’ve hit the wall of silence, but maybe you people out there can find out. I have posted below the name, address and telephone number of my “Case Officer” in Seattle. He claims he can read my dossier at any time, so please feel free to give him at buzz, or post an email:

    Douglas Robertson: U.S. Secret Service/Seattle Branch/Case Officer For Barbour

    TEL. 206-553-1922
