And this is America today.

‘Gallup CEO: I May “Suddenly Disappear” For Telling Truth About Obama Unemployment Rate
Clifton stated the following on CNBC:
“I think that the number that comes out of BLS [Bureau of Labor Statistics] and the Department of Labor is very, very accurate. I need to make that very, very clear so that I don’t suddenly disappear. I need to make it home tonight.”
After getting that out of the way, Clifton went on to eviscerate the legitimacy of the cheerful spin given to the unemployment data, telling CNBC viewers that the percent of full time jobs in this country as a percent of the adult population “is the worst it’s been in 30 years.”..’

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11 Responses to And this is America today.

  1. C-CS says:

    I believe that many truth tellers have been ‘taken out’ by the regime and / or its backers including Chris Kyle-(American Sniper)-

  2. Oswald Bastable says:

    They don’t have to kill you. Just ‘find’ child pornography on your hard drive…

    • KG says:

      Yup, exactly. The baying, unthinking mob will do the rest.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Two words, mate:


        • mawm says:

          Two more – Andrew Breitbart.

          • Ronbo says:

            I think the CEO of Gallup protests too much because the data was there for anyone to see –

            It’s called the U6 number and I recall numerous articles that used those figures.

            The government likes to blow about the U3 whereby the unemployment rate improves because people get discouraged after a few months and stop looking for jobs.

            • Michael in Nelson says:

              I agree with Ronbo, the correct numbers have always been there, just that the MSM soothes the LIVs with bullshit.

              • KG says:

                Yes they have, but how many people really take the trouble to find them and understand them?
                What the Gallup CEO has done is make headlines by highlighting the truth. And this Administration hates that.

                • Ronbo says:

                  True…By definition half the people in America have less than an average I.Q. and thus are more open to an emotional pitch than a rational one.

                  Bill O’Reilly has one of his associates do interviews on the street all over the USA on the man/woman out and about town.

                  The answers to his questions are pathetic. Yes, most know that Obama is president. However, the name of vice president escapes most of them, as does other common knowledge questions like the capital of their various states.

                  Like Democrat economist Gruber said, “The people are stupid.”

                  The Left has long understood this simple concept, if the Right wants to win votes they need to go for the emotions and not the mind.