About that “settled science”

Scientists Befuddled by El Niño’s Absence

…“One thing that stands out on this [El Nino/Southern Oscillation] is how wrong the models were in predicting a major event in 2014,’’ said Matt Rogers, president of Commodity Weather Group LLC in Bethesda, Maryland..’
But of course, the models can predict what happens to climate fifty years hence…yeah, right.
Update: ‘The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever’

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4 Responses to About that “settled science”

  1. Ronbo says:

    I think point has just about being reached where the Left will abandon the Global Warning nonsense and without skipping a beat will say that Global Cooling is happening because of manmade Co2.

    I well remember the early 1970s when the Left was on the Global Cooling hoax and even producing movies about a new man caused Ice Age. :evil:

    • Pascal says:

      I think it won’t matter. Tweedledum or Tweedledee.

      Man’s capacity to behave rationally is, in my opinion, why the Progs aid and abet all Leftist nonsense.

      The Left so hates humanity that it wants there to be so much nonsense out there that it leaves just about everybody doubting everything.

      And doubtful man fits so well with Tocqueville’s observation too:
      “a despot easily forgives his subjects for not loving him, provided they do not love each other. ”

      I see that animus on the increase every day that SSM broadcasts even when I don’t read, see, or hear them.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Like I’ve said before many times, the best way to defeat a bad idea is with a good idea.

    However, unless or until we can silence the LSM – The Lamestream Media – The Propaganda Organs 0f State – we are at best fighting a holding action.

    The only way to that is by the fire of revolution in all our Western countries.

    We need AIR SUPERIORITY TO WIN :!: :!:

    Imagine a big black hole in the ground where The New York Times building once stood :!: :mrgreen: