
‘Marine Le Pen lays it all out, much to the displeasure of a BBC troll.’
Colonel B. Bunny has it.

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15 Responses to Beautiful!

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Wow, that’s how you deal with trolls! Tony Abbott should have watched that before sitting down with that vile, leftist Green Party plant Leigh Sales yesterday!

  2. KG says:

    I can’t for the life of me figure out why Abbott agreed to the interview with that loathsome creature Sales in the first place.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I can’t for the life of me figure out why he hasn’t put the whole corrupt edifice up on eBay with a $1 reserve, mate. Either that, or made Andrew Bolt and Tim Blair the joint CEOs.

    • Ronbo says:

      Very likely for the same reason Republicans allowed the Leftist Lamestream Media – The Propaganda Organ of the Democrat Party – control of the agenda, moderation and questions of the Presidential Debates. :shock:

      The GOP should never talk to the Lame Ones….NEVER :!: PERIOD :!:

      • Oswald BAstable says:

        It’s so easy to do your own media work now- all you need is Facebook and a blog. The more the MSM are discredited, the better.

        Sarah Palin’s Facebook has a huge following.

    • Pascal says:

      If you go back to your post The grown-ups will now run Australia you’ll see how I was wary. I prayed that down the road the betrayals by the allegedly Right that have befallen other Western countries would not happen to Aussies.

      I’m sure nobody wanted to hear the warning on the eve of “winning” an election when everybody was happy that at least Labour was out of power.

      I said it because I knew what would be worse than betrayals. It would be that the real crusaders might later become despairing.

      In fact, 100 days after Abbott took office you posted “Betrayal.” Despite that, you continue to hold out hope. Thank you KG.

      It should be recognized by now that it is a commonplace throughout the West. The behavior of the Abbots in granting such interviews and performing not at all like Le Pen is what has consistently troubled us about our contemporary world.

      Indeed, should Le Pen come into power in France, what do you wanna bet….?

      Yes. Take that bet and plan accordingly.

      Let the recognition of such common behavior become a unifying factor throughout the West. This cow-towing to mostly hidden undemocratic, powerful and evil influences must end.

      Additionally, let it be known that this long time agnostic has taken up prayer in his old age. I highly recommend it. But that’s all. For each his mileage may vary.

      • Ronbo says:

        Speaking of the Vast Leftist Conspiracy To Rule The World…

        Mr. Big of the Globalists may live within ten miles of me.

        I refer to Bill Gates, the most wealthy man in world who has spoken of his support for the New World Order…

        Maybe it’s more than simply lip service…We do know Gates has poured mega bucks Obama’s way.

        I ask you is it better to be the man behind the throne or the King :?: :evil:

        • Darin says:

          Gates used to be a common utopian liberal,not getting into politics much,he didn’t donate to the DNC for Clinton’s first run.

          Gates learned his lesson about not donating campaign money after Slick willy and Holder raked him over the coals for antitrust.Now he just coughs it up like a good little marxist.

  3. Wombat says:

    Quote of the interview for me:

    “You seem much more interested in the questions you’re asking than the answers I’m giving”.

    Why, Ms La Pen, you appear to have encapsulated the essence of every interview the MSM has conducted with a conservative sitting opposite in the last three decades.