‘THE Australian Academy of Science has released a new document, The Science of Climate Change, aimed at the man and woman in the street. It was prepared on behalf of the academy by leading lights of the global warming establishment. Some day the academy may come to regret the arrangement…’ MORE
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Pardon my language but I am
Why does anyone bother arguing the science?
It’s not even relevant.
If some muslim demanded that I convert to islam would I bother to engage him in spiritual debate or would I tell him to fuck off?
The only answer for climate fanatics is thus:
“I don’t give a shit if climate change is real or not. I’m going to vote against fixing it, and you’d better pray it doesn’t go further than that.”
What’s the alternative? Spend the rest of your days trying to educate fanatical gaians?
Being forced to debate braindead dickheads 24 hours a day just to keep your society on track is a form of mental slavery.
It’s intellectual warfare designed to wear you down by playing on your need to be civil about the matter.
Well civility needs to be done with.
Call it straight, and to their face.
“Fuck your climate change. Fuck your global mandate. I’m off to cut some trees down. What are you going to do about it, bitch?”
It’s clear the big “Science” establishment needs cleaning out right down to the interns. I knew that was the case 20 years ago after noticing the British “New Scientist” magazine may was well be put out by the labor party and “Scientific American” always came down on the Democrat’s side. Scientists, real scientists not the would be secular priests, don’t mix their politics or religion with their science. This state of affairs occurred once government got involved in scientific funding. Any establishment or institution that accepts government money will sooner or later become corrupted by it. Climate science is the poster boy for that effect.