Yes indeed!

We Can Kill Our Way to Victory

‘…“We can not win this war by killing them,” Marie Harf said on MSNBC.
Reversing thousands of years of battlefield experience in which wars were won by “killing them”, the State Department spokeswoman argued that you can’t defeat ISIS by killing its fighters.

…War is one of the few things in life we can reliably kill our way out of. The United States has had a great track record of killing our way out of wars. We killed our way out of WW1. We killed our way out of WW2. The problem began when we stopped trying to kill our way out of wars and started trying to hug our way out of wars instead. Progressive academics added war to economics, terrorism and the climate in the list of subjects they did not understand and wanted to make certain that no one else was allowed to understand. Because the solution to war is so obvious that no progressive could possibly think of it. ..’

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32 Responses to Yes indeed!

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    See, there’s where you’re wrong, KG. Clearly, Ms Barf is talking from all her years of experience on a battlef….

    … from all her experience of military strate…

    … from all those years serving her country in the diploma…

    Never mind, she’s just Pajama Boy with tits.

    Shut Up, Sexist.

  2. Darin says:

    Greenfield delivers yet again.Another column in the sidebar,islam and it’s “rich contribution to American history”-

  3. Darin says:

    Uncle Ted nails it again-

    “To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. Let the victims defend themselves in a timely, efficient manner. Double tap center mass. No court case. No plea bargaining, no parole. No time off for good behavior, no early release. I want ‘em dead.

    “Their victims know who they are and what they are doing. Blow ‘em away and let the crows pick their carcasses clean.”

    • Wombat says:

      Sadly in a victimocracy folks will decry the effort of having to buy a gun, learn how to use it and carry it every day.

      Can’t the government just do something about it?

      “Sure we can”, sayeth both-and-a-half parties, “if you only vote for us.”

  4. C-CS says:

    We in the US used to know -that killing the enemy was the only way to go-
    Jefferson sent the new Marines to stop- thus -KILL the Barbary Pirates-(muslims) -from demanding 20% of our new Nation’s GDP–and taking US hostages-
    Time to start KILLING our enemy–
    A very old war- that keeps on going-

  5. Wombat says:

    Personally I hope that if we do it this time, we do it for keeps.

    I want us to declare war on islam and mark mecca on the map as the enemy’s base of operations.

    But no nukes, please. I want it to be clear that we intend to tear mecca to the ground so that every serious muslim in the world rallies to its defence. I want that god-forsaken rock buried under a mountain of corpses. I want mecca occupied and dismantled, and I want a McDonalds restaurant put up in its place.

    I want every available anti-nuke defense stacked at India’s borders in preparation for Pakistan’s response.

    I want every member of islam conquered or killed on the battlefield.

    This would be the last crusade. It would unite us and once again give the west a purpose, without which we currently wither. Do or die. Nut up or shut up.

    For this and this alone would I enlist.

  6. Seneca III says:

    I do wonder how how ‘Laserbrain’ Harf would respond if in debate with the ghosts of every battle won or lost and how triumphal the losers feel now that they no longer exist.

  7. Ronbo says:

    Yes, we can kill our way to victory – and I would suggest we start with our home grown Leftist PIGS – because when we move out overseas to get the Islamists, they are always ready with the knife in the back. :evil:

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    KG, your headline would have read so much better as:

    “Yes, We Can

    • KG says:

      Sigh…I’d never make a sub-editor, Gantt. I suffer from what the French call “staircase wit”. :oops:

  9. How about we take the cheap way out and leave, to let them kill each other as they have been doing for hundreds of years.

  10. Flashman says:

    Then there is the burning question about how exactly a financially bankrupt, house-divided and leaderless America plans to annihilate a will o’ the wisp religious-based foe having nothing remotely approaching the assets and infrastructure of a conventional nation-state.

    This is a true asymmetric war in which all the big fat aircraft carriers and gee-whiz weaponry are nothing but clunking liabilities. And the enemy have limitless numbers, hard-core faith, budget ak47’s, recycled dud artillery HE and a thousand year time line.

    It’s not a question I’d lose any sleep over for the simple reason that the only answer is to anticipate that sometime in the next two hundred years rampant islam will splinter and then solidify into caliphates…as has happened in cycles ever since it rode out the Arabian desert in the 600’s.

    • Flashman says:


      Here’s the basic challenge….

      How you propose American wins an ideological war with 1.8 billion Muslims?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        There is no winning a shooting war with 1.8 billion moslems. America and her allies can shoot their way out of the current conflagration, but ultimately the only sensible solution is for the West to withdraw and for iSlam to turn its guns on itself. If we would just get out of the way, they’d exterminate each other within 6 months.

        The only thing we need to do is protect ourselves and make sure our friends know they’re our friends (primarily Israel). We need to make our societies as inhospitable as possible to the iSlamic virus. Halal slaughter must be banned. The wearing of a burkha in public must be banned. The building of mosques must cease. Foreigners of any and all stripes who commit crime must be deported back to their country of origin. Those who decide to take up arms on behalf of the paedophile prophet must have their citizenship revoked.

        There is no winning a shooting war with 1.8 billion moslems, but there is confining the war to the sands of Arabia and the wastelands of Africa.

        • Flashman says:

          I couldn’t agree with you more Gantt G.

          Quarantining them at all levels along the lines you suggest is practical and pragmatic. Not easy, but a grounded option nonetheless.

          The only thing they hate more than the infidel is one another. And when, on all sides, god himself talks man-to-man to each jihadi the result is to throw millions of willing muzzos into the cauldron…as happened when Iraq and Iran went at it in the 1980’s.

          • Wombat says:

            All good and well until your civilisation collapses under the weight of increased energy costs due to a lack of cheap, accessible oil.

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              AFAIK, most M.E. oil goes to Europe – the US gets most of its oil domestically, or from central and south America. Europe is already lost to the caliphate, so forget it.

              Aus has a problem, and should immediately start restructuring its energy needs around the 1,000 years of natural gas beneath their feet.

              • Wombat says:

                Supply and demand.

                The Europeans aren’t going to choose collapse. They’ll re-prioritize their spending and that domestic oil production with start heading across the sea.

  11. rivoniaboy says:

    Alas Gantt – it seems as if the West is unable this learn anything from history.

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    We’ll see, gents. It took ~800 years last time to awaken Western man to wrath. Let’s hope the temper of modern Western man is quicker than that of his medieval ancestor.