Open house.

Have at it. And this is very cheering.

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28 Responses to Open house.

  1. KG says:

    ‘The following is from a letter by Tony Clark of the Communist Party Alliance, as featured on the letters page of the Weekly Worker, “a paper of Marxist polemic and Marxist unity”:  
    I never claimed that the future of humanity “may rest on the beneficence of extra-terrestrial reptiles.” I… referred to the reptilian control theory, which argues that for thousands of years humanity has been controlled by a reptilian race, using their mixed reptile-human genetic bloodlines, who have oppressed and exploited humans, while claiming descent from the ‘gods’ and the divine right to rule by bloodline. Ancient and modern society is obsessed with reptilian, serpent and dragon themes, possibly due to this heritage. Even the flag of Wales has a dragon on it. 
    Most people have closed minds, depending on the issues. Mention the possibility of aliens secretly manipulating humanity behind the scenes and the shutters come down…’

    • Wombat says:

      I’ve known reptoconspiracists.

      My response to them is pretty simple.

      “What difference does it make if the bastards abusing us are lizards or not. Does it significantly alter your plan of action?”

      The only reasonable answer is “no”.

      If it bleeds, we can kill it. :cool:

  2. Darin says:

    Crab dinner carry out :mrgreen:

  3. Robert says:

    Z for Zachariah was filmed on New Zealand’s South Island, about as close to a distant Paradise on Earth as I’ve ever been. Which apparently is part of the reason why, according to former hedge fund director Robert Johnson, “I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway.”

    Could this explain your move to NZ ?

      • Darin says:

        Uggh gosh what a bucket of lefty bilge. :roll:

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Hi Robert, one of the things that is happening is the US dollar is being weakened. Have you heard of ‘global currency reset’, google it, and I can almost guarantee you that you will here about how the US dollar is going to be revalued even further lowered. :shock:

        You might also know that China has lost confidence in lending to the US. So people like me would invest in gold or silver. But others say why not NZ property. We are one of the few countries that have kept to low inflation. Other countries have cheapened their currency to boost exports. So that’s why people have confidence in us. :mrgreen:

        But it doesn’t help us. It bids up the price of property for kiwis. If they invested it in innovative businesses, or lent us money for new machinery that would help us. No, people want to invest in something they can be sure about. More surer then Hillary and her clothes lol, remember. :lol:

      • Wombat says:

        Want to explode a socialist’s brain?

        Ask them, “should we take the money from those billionaires and split it up between the rest of the world?”

        “Sure”, they’ll say.

        “So, when everyone is a millionaire and nobody needs to work, who are you going to convince to grow food or work at a supermarket?”


  4. mawm says:

    KG – I’m sure this will get you hot under the collar. The betrayal was immense.

    • KG says:

      Hot under the collar? I’m so sad and sick with anger at the sheer scale and brazenness of the betrayal, no words will suffice.
      A noose for Blair and another for Cameron would just be a good beginning.

      • Darin says:

        It boggles my mind that in 90 years that bastard hasn’t managed to catch a bullet :evil:

        I am liking Boris Johnson more after reading that though.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Recently saw this but I can’t remember where.

    A good way to shut up Islam apologists is to ask them…

    “Can you explain to me the difference between a moderate Muslim and an extremist Muslim and how that compares to moderate and extremist Christians?”

  6. Seneca III says:

    Just a joke I heard today:

    “The best way to terminate the depredations of the Religion of Peace is to convince the Chinese that Muslim testicles are an aphrodisiac and within five years the bearded, immolating, beheading, slave keeping head bangers will extinct. Allah willing, of course. ”

    My you, I don’t think I will be having a chew myself no matter how well marinated or spiced. I know those things have spent most of their time hard up against goat rectums!

    Just sayin’…

  7. KG says:

    Two NZ headlines, this morning:
    Air NZ earnings soar 20pc
    Air NZ profit slips 6pc