Sickening propaganda from the NZ Herald:

‘Road to Islam: Prayer, peace, prejudice’
And nary a mention in this idiot girly puff-piece of the Koranic instruction to kill Jews and unbelievers, no mention of burning schoolgirls to death for the crime of attending school, no mention of the genital mutilation of little girls, no mention of jihad-by-rape, decapitation of Christians, the thousands and thousands of people being murdered in the name of this foul ideology right now. I have just one word for the stupid, naive cow who wrote the article:

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12 Responses to Sickening propaganda from the NZ Herald:

  1. Ronbo says:

    Many of the Islamic rules are basic common sense, Taka reckons. He says he’s a better husband, healthier and keen to spread the message about Islam. He hands out brochures at weekend markets.

    “I’m still a normal Kiwi. I take the kids to the beach, eat ice cream, go to the pools, but I pray five times a day and fast. It’s made us better people with better conduct.”

    Please excuse me while I BARF :!: As an American I personally witnessed in real time on the television “better Islamic conduct” when I watched the second plane hijacked by Islamist terrorists fly into the WTC and kill 3,000 innocent citizens on 9/11.

    The woman is the scum of the earth and a danger to the people of New Zealand, as is her husband :!: SPIT :!: :twisted:

  2. mistress mara says:

    And already 9 kids between them. Expect more. :evil:

  3. D.T. says:

    I notice no comments are allowed.I don’t have any muzzie friends and I don’t want any.I hate (p)islam.

  4. Brown says:

    Its a bit sad as they are better people than they were but will soon be chopped by real Muslims because they are not Muslim enough. They have embraced slavery rather than freedom. They will have no idea about the Islamic theological views on many things so will have little real understanding of what they profess to follow. Christians fall into the same trap but will come unstuck because they do not love enough while Muslims come unstuck because they do not kill enough. Satan is a great deceiver.

  5. Ronbo says:

    I have long maintained that Islam is Satan’s answer to the Gospel of Jesus Christ…

    When his Awfulness commissioned the KORAN, he made the first part of book all about lovingkindness as is found in the New Testament, so as to encourage former Christians and Jews to join the religion and become, “A Better Person.”

    However, in the latter part, which are the heart of Islam, comes the evil Jihad war verses that declare never ending conflict with anyone not 100% on board with the endless Holy War.

    Islam is all about hatred, revenge, conquest, slavery, rape, looting and murder.

    Christianity is all about love and forgiveness.

    You can’t tell me Satan isn’t the Muslim “Allah” – the ultimate evil – The Prince of Darkness. THE LORD OF THE FLIES :twisted:

    Therefore, my duty as a Christian and American patriot is to confront this ancient evil from the Gates of Hell, especially after 9/11, which was Satan’s official declaration of war against my country and my faith.

    I fight a Just War. My country fights a Just War. Islam drew first blood and threw down the gauntlet on 9/11, America has no other choice but to pick it up and seek the destruction of its attacker.

    It is a Crusade…WW III. So be it.

  6. Darin says:

    Appologistic nonsense and propaganda,making excuses for evil,how typical of the left.Then there is this –

    “If Anthony Green had his way he wouldn’t tell anyone about his religion.”
    Oh,is that because of other peoples attitudes or the murderous teachings found in your blood soaked book of bullshit?

    “Am I labeled a terrorist? Do you trust me?”
    Yes,No,and now here’s a good,swift kick in the nuts

  7. Brown says:

    The Koran looks like a self referencing reverse image of the Bible in many ways. Would an ignoramus come up with that in a cave?

    • KG says:

      There’s a school of thought that says the Koran is merely an adaptation of the Bible, Brown. And a fair bit of evidence to back that up.

  8. Ronbo says:

    I notice the New Zealand Herald lacks the balls to allow reader comments. :twisted:

    I guess they are afraid of the blowback from their ass licking of Islam.

    Typical cowardly Leftist PIGS :!:

    However, such belly crawling will not save them when the Islamists come blow up their building and shoot the lousy cockroaches. :twisted:

  9. tranquil says:

    Scummy propaganda piece from the Herald.

    I think the truth about Islam *is* getting out there though. More and more people are becoming aware of its utter evil.