Open house

beach-wearCrow sunbaking.

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56 Responses to Open house

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    Japan marks the 4th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11th 2011.

    15,891 people dead and 2,584 missing

    “The anniversary comes at a time when post-quake reconstruction in hard-hit Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures remains incomplete, with many evacuees still forced to live away from their hometowns amid decommissioning work at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant and decontamination work across Fukushima Prefecture.”

    This is just the beginning of the recovery…

    • KG says:

      The Japanese have done an amazing job of rebuilding since the quake though.
      Hard to imagine around 16,000 dead from a single earthquake. :sad:

      • Odakyu-sen says:

        It wasn’t the earthquake so much as the 9-meter-high tsunami that slammed into the low-lying coastal fishing towns, taking them out.

        (2:05 min. mark) Anyone still in the path of the tsunami at that point would have not come out alive.

        Fortunately, my relatives up north live on the other side of the island.

  2. Oswald Bastable says:

    SPF 9000

  3. dondiego says:

    More proof, though none is needed, that muzzies are incompatible. Hey; Anybody here see/read/hear of the Indonesian(?) threat to swamp Australia with 100 000 losers :?:

    I saw it on the telescreen at work this morning -at precisely the same time as Indian mate tried to steal Aboriginie mates chair as he came back from the microwave to his lunchbox.

    [He said:”The nerve of that c***” etc. I pointed at the screen down front of the canteen and said “Friendly thieving Indians might be the least of our worries…”]

  4. George Romero says:

    ‘Ok Muhammand is diving in the water ,while he swims , i can let the sun touch my feet and hopefully i may get a tan on my feet , allah willing.I may even get a better tan on my feet than that infidel whore over there who is trying to tempt Muhammad with her nekid body.Shit it’s hot today!

    • Wombat says:

      Guess which cross section of the world community is the only one still suffering excessive cases of Rickets.

  5. Ronbo says:

    But on a more positive note, I’ve met many FORMER Muslim women in America who took advantage of our vast country to liberate themselves from their 7th century A.D. barbarism and have adopted Western dress.

    Salt Lake City, Utah is one such location, I suppose because Utah is isolated and they get aid from the Mormons, who are hopeful of new recruits into their off beat version of Christianity.

    Hey now, better Mormons than Muslims :!: :shock:

    At least Mormon terrorists are pretty thin on the ground. :mrgreen:

  6. Darin says:

    Fred Dibnah’s Industrial Age series is full up on Youtube-

    • KG says:

      Great stuff. Thanks for that. I’m downloading a few of them right now.

      • Ronbo says:

        KG: HEAD’S UP :!:

        Obama is going after Hillary….MAJOR WITCH HUNT IN PROGRESS IN OCCUPIED AMERICA :!:

        Apparently, O’Bummer doesn’t want her as president, as he thinks she is to the RIGHT :!: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

        THE HILDABEAST :!: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

        I just love it when the Revolution eats its own children…Kinda like that Stalin-Trotsky feud….and O’Bummer is doing it the same way he crushed General Petraeus…THE EMAILS :!: :shock:

        Well, the wily old Hildabeast should have seen this one coming, after all, her former boss OWNS the National Security Agency, which no doubt gave him Petraeus’ head on a platter in his EMAIL PURGE :!:

        Granted, the Hildabeast had her own private server that was physically guarded by the U.S. Secret Service, but the data lines to and from the server are controlled by NSA that is controlled by O’Bummer. DUH :!: :roll: I mean like everyone in the world KNEW that from years ago. I mean like everyone in the world KNOWS that you do not trust the EMAILS with sensitive information, “Come in Planet Hildabeast :!::roll:

        Since I’m an enemy of the Clintons from way back, I’m enjoying the destruction of the Hildabeast. Yes, I’ve laid in an extra special supply of beer and popcorn :!: :mrgreen:

        Once again almighty GOD is taking care of my enemies for me :!:

        I wonder if at the end of the Clinton Purge, the Hildabeast gets the ice pick in the back of the head like Trotsky :?:

        BE STILL MY HEART :!: :twisted:

        • mawm says:

          I can’t wait until they start slinging mud at each other. What dirt does Slick Willie have on the magic Kenyan? :twisted:

          • Darin says:

            Yup,word on the street is Hillary is seen as a centrist moderate by the left and they do not want her just like in 08′.Grab some beer and popcorn and let the liberal cannibalism begin.
            animated gifs photo:  deerpopcorn.gif

  7. KG says:

    “Since I’m an enemy of the Clintons from way back….”
    You sure are!

    • Ronbo says:

      I wonder if this makes me a friend of Obama :?: :mrgreen:

      He hates the Clintons worse than I do. :shock:

      Come to think of it, the Secret Service has been very kind to me since he’s been president and I’ve been getting superior medical care from the Veterans Administration. :shock:

      “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” heh :?:

  8. mawm says:

    News you can use? For those of us who feel the ravages of time. :roll:
    New class of drugs dramatically increases healthy lifespan, mouse study suggests

    ……has identified a new class of drugs that in animal models dramatically slows the aging process — alleviating symptoms of frailty, improving cardiac function and extending a healthy lifespan….

    Senescent cells — cells that have stopped dividing — accumulate with age and accelerate the aging process. Since the “healthspan” (time free of disease) in mice is enhanced by killing off these cells, the scientists reasoned that finding treatments that accomplish this in humans could have tremendous potential…..

    …..the team homed in on two available compounds — the cancer drug dasatinib and quercetin, a natural compound sold as a supplement that acts as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.

    ……In animal models, the compounds improved cardiovascular function and exercise endurance, reduced osteoporosis and frailty, and extended health span, in some cases, these drugs did so with only a single course of treatment….

    Quercetin, a flavonol, is found in capers, dill, coriander (cilantro for those who have bastardised our language ;-) ), kale, red onion, watercress, etc. Red wine not only contains quercetin but promotes its absorption! Red wine also contains the flavonol resveratrol. Quercetin has a blocking effect on an enzyme that promotes secretion of testosterone in the kidney.

    • KG says:

      Now, if it could only turn back the years…… :roll:

      • Darin says:

        There was a report on genetics awhile ago where it was discovered that by turning off just two genes human life could be extended to possibly 300 years on average.

        The catch however was you would spend 100 years as an adolescent,100 as an adult and 100 as a geriatric.It’s the last bit that would suck obviously. :shock:

        • Ronbo says:

          QUIET :!:

          Obama may hear of this extended life thingy….

          Do you want him to be president for the next 300 years :?: :shock:

          March 12, 2415 “Thanks to medical advances, White House doctors said today that President Obama’s lifespan can be easily extended for at least another 300 years….” :shock:

        • Wombat says:

          “…and 100 as a geriatric.It’s the last bit that would suck obviously. :shock:”

          Not as much as it would suck to suffer a teenager in the house for 100 years.

          Screw life expectancy. I’d hang myself by the first decade. :roll:

    • mawm says:

      KG – It might not make you look beautiful but improved endurance and reduced frailty sounds like turning the clock back………a bit. So drink your red and eat your salmon with capers, and a kale and red onion salad.

      • KG says:

        Yessir. The drinking the red bit doesn’t sound too hard. A fine Merlot ought to do it. :grin:

  9. Darin says:

    Some sad news,four local members of the Louisiana National Guard died in a chopper crash overnight alongs with 7 Marines- :sad:

    On a bright note,the grandson of one of the guys at work just completed his flight school and navigation training and is headed off to train on the Apache Longbow-

    • Wombat says:

      This is why the Glock 18 should never have gone out of production.

      • Darin says:

        That is why I want a Glock 21 Gen4-.45ACP because shooting twice is just silly

        • KG says:

          Extravagant, even. :twisted:

          • Wombat says:

            My thinking is that in a nation where serfs like myself are capped at 10 rounds per mag, a 9mil is not particularly suitable. :lol:

            • Ronbo says:

              Hit with a 9mm slug, the bad guy can still move and sometimes kill you, but the 12mm .45 ACP round puts all big men down.

              BTW, the reason the U.S. Army went to .45 was the Philippine campaign in the early 20th century fighting the Muslim Moros insurrection.

              The .38 slugs simply would not stop their charges, but the .45 always stopped the bad guys dead in their tracks… :twisted:

    • Wombat says:

      Uhh, I don’t like to take flying leaps onto the conspiracy bandwagon, but hear me out.

      The average street punk has neither the equipment nor the skills to selectively snipe a cop, much less two cops.

      So is the article simply vague? Did these cops come under sustained fire and take a hit (or two as the case appears to be)?

      Were they simply ridiculously unlucky enough to be hit not once but twice by singular shots from (in all likelihood) a pistol beyond clear line of sight?

      Or… were professional shooters attempting to spark a bloodbath, and if so, who were they working for? :shock:

      • Wombat says:

        Mr Belmar said the shooter was “embedded” in the group of demonstrators who were standing across from the officers at the time.

        “I don’t know who did the shooting to be honest with you right now, but somehow they were embedded in that group of folks,” he said.


        “The police officers were standing there and they were shot. Just because they were police officers,” Mr Belmar said, adding that at least three shots were fired.


        Mr Belmar said the shooter was “embedded” in the group of demonstrators who were standing across from the officers at the time.

        “I don’t know who did the shooting to be honest with you right now, but somehow they were embedded in that group of folks,” he said.

        However, protesters at the scene said on social media the shots did not come from where they were standing.

        “The shooter was not with the protesters. The shooter was atop the hill,” prominent activist Deray McKesson said on Twitter.

        “I was here. I saw the officer fall. The shot came from at least 500 feet away from the officers.”

  10. Ronbo says:

    Wombat said: “Or… were professional shooters attempting to spark a bloodbath, and if so, who were they working for?

    This question came to my mind as well – and the answer is the political and emotional conditions in America have long reached a high pre-insurrection pitch that the shooter could be a Rightist or a Leftist.

    Both sides have people who want the fireworks to begin. :shock:

    • Ronbo says:

      BTW, April 19th is Patriots’ Day – The date in 1775 the first shots of the American Revolution were fired at Lexington, Massachusetts.

      I wonder if this spring will see the birth of revolution once again in America :?: :shock:

  11. Darin says:

    Jeff Sr. and Jeff Jr. Lutz 6,000 hp twin 57′ Chevys the Evil Twins :twisted:

  12. KG says:

    Here’s a serious worry:
    ‘Fears Iraqis torturing IS prisoners’

    • Ronbo says:

      I’ll file this article under, “What comes around goes around” and “If you mess with the bull, you get the horn.” :mrgreen:

  13. KG says:

    Fat queer objects to demonstrable truth:
    ‘Elton John Calls For Boycott Of Dolce & Gabbana over Stance on Gay Families’