Andrew Bolt is seriously confused

‘The Left now sounds just like the Islamist Right’

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22 Responses to Andrew Bolt is seriously confused

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Whether you call it ‘Far Left’ or ‘Far Right’ or ‘Islam’ the idea that government should control all aspects of everyone’s lives must be fought with every weapon we can muster.

  2. mistress mara says:

    If Andrew Bolt is seriously confused then I am totally buggered.

    • KG says:

      Me too. Why islam should be regarded as “far right” is a mystery.

      • Pascal says:

        Because it’s nonsense, that’s why. Left and Right can be seen as nonsense when seeing that both sides of the aisle throughout the Western nations have either embraced or gone along with tyranny.

        The mystery is that more patriots haven’t adopted Reagan’s political spectrum of Up and Down, doing their utmost to reclaim control of the narrative.

        It’s only words Pascal. What difference does it make?

        Yeah, only words. They’re so unimportant that the enemy doesn’t seek to control all forms of mass communication and try to restrict or criminalize all forms of communication not under its direct control. They never do that. /s

        Only words. Words are so unimportant that the enemy seeks to control their meanings. For, to the extent that words are used to form thoughts, control of words makes unapproved thought impossible. (That’s me paraphrasing Orwell.)

        Left and Right, a concept begun in the days of the self-destructive French Revolution and 50 years later cemented by Marx (whose legacy has been massive deaths), has trapped men in a political box not of their choosing. The mystery is not that we find nonsense there, but that we have become so accustomed to it that we can shrug it off, maybe rationalizing it away as if it is not a symptom of a far more fundamental disease.

        Most will remain Down in the enemy’s box, where at its deepest is the pit of totalitarian misery.

        There are few who have sought to be Up, out of the box, where they can see the enemy and where their minds are free to conceive of ways of defeating him.

        There could be enough to win.

        Then, with the blessings of Divine Providence, they will.

        • Wombat says:


          I’ve written comments here to the same effect but not as well as this.

          The left/right political spectrum is a sham designed to divide and conquer us.

          Take Mussolini. Who would call him a member of the left? Few. So does that make him the friend of the right?

          Who do you side with? Hitler or Stalin?

          We’ve got to break free of the left/right paradigm. Like slaves set at each others throats for the pleasure of the master.

          The enemy is involuntary collectivism. The friend is unqualified liberty. Those are the only dividers we need bother with.

          • Pascal says:

            Actually Wombat, thank Ronald Reagan; and God that I have a good long-term memory.

            You have likely heard Reagan’s 1964 stump speech “A Time for Choosing” in which he laid out what is gained by looking at politics not as Left and Right, but as Up and Down.

            Well, I had not heard it originally. What I heard first was an updated version roughly 20 years later that I have not been able to find anywhere. In that later speech contained many more reasons for me to remember what I just laid out. At the following link is my best effort at recreating how he expanded upon “A Time for Choosing.”


      • The Gantt Guy says:

        He’s seriously ideologically and politically confused. He clearly thinks the NAZIs specifically and fascism in general is “far right”, and places iSlamo-NAZIs in the same group.

        Sad day; he was one of the few in the SSM who I thought “got it”.

        • Pascal says:

          I think you hit on the reason there for his choice of words Gantt. To remain a part of the SSM one must obey the rules of publication. (I forget what the journalistic term is for that book of rules A style guide or style book.)

          To the extent that he is may still be on our side, he relies on us to read between the lines same as in the days when censorship by the king’s agents inspired the need for euphemism and subtle satire to stay both relevant and alive, and not merely an often humorous play on words as they have been for most of us contemporaries.

          My guess is that today it is becoming apparent euphemisms are needed in the old sense more than we realize. Have you noticed the threats to life and limb for speaking against AGW that are being trial ballooned by such as RFK Jr and Algore? Then maybe help other understand their need to read between the lines. It shouldn’t take much imagination to see the implications.

          Update with example: Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Climate Skeptic?

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    I have argued much the same as Pascal for years with the ‘Ups’ who fear the Far Right. I have to hammer them with the fact that NAZI was a Socialist ideology.

    • Pascal says:

      “Ups’ — that’s the ticket. For those who remain confused will often wind up helping the enemy. How? In the same sense that Tocqueville noted almost 200 years ago: “a despot easily forgives his subjects for not loving him, provided they do not love each other. ”

      Orwell’s understanding of Newspeak — in that it provides a control of words in the manner I paraphrased above — explains why so many Ups are thinking that potential allies are more a threat to them than is the current enemy.

      I suspect that the money men of the GOPe have kept the copies of the newer version of “A Time for Choosing” hidden because in it Reagan predicted the awakening we are part of here.

  4. andy5759 says:

    The most forceful driver of change throughout history has been women. Whether as mothers or as Sybils of the Oracle. What I find strange is the preponderance of white, allegedly intelligent, highly empowered wimmin (Hillary and Harperson?) slithering to the cause. Can they not see where the snail trails left by their sisters lead. Islam is not total control on a stick. Let’s keep in mind that Christian values hold that all human beings are important, regardless of gender. Mozlem values are different. Is there possibly a seductive Mozlem cabal actively seducing left/liberal bints into believing that when the Global Caliphate becomes reality all will be equal? Shit, sorry peeps, in banging on mode. Bar closing soon, gotta go. Bishop’s Farewell, y’know.

    • KG says:

      Well, Andy, my mother was certainly a driver of change – she drove me out of home and changed me into a semi-misogynist. :roll:

      • Darin says:

        There used to be some truth to that in the black community here.If you hired black laborers to work on the farm or in the woods,you never paid them directly on Friday.You waited until Monday and paid their wives instead.Reason being many of the men if they were paid on Friday would drink and gamble it all away Friday night and the family would be stuck for the rest of the week.But if you paid the wife come Monday,the kids got fed and the bills got paid.

        • jonno1 says:

          A bit off topic, but that reminds me of a situation many years ago where the company I worked for paid an annual bonus in cash, based on years of service. One year a particular long-term worker was off sick, so the paymaster kindly delivered the bonus to his home. Wife answered the door – “Here’s Joe’s bonus”. “What bonus?” “You know, his annual Christmas bonus”. It all went downhill from there.

        • KG says:

          “But if you paid the wife come Monday,the kids got fed and the bills got paid.”
          In remote Aboriginal communities, when the mining bonus is paid it’s the women who sit around fires in their front yards day and night and gamble it all away. Losing thousands is no big deal, since they don’t regard it as “real” money.

    • Wombat says:

      I think it’s much more simple than that.

      The globalists (differing them from their progressive useful-idiot minions) see Islam as they see everything else. A resource to be exploited.

      They are a means to justify the building of a surveillance state along with an army of trigger pullers they’ve desensitized to death in Hajistan.

      They welcome the problem (muslim immigration) because authoritarian collectivists thrive on “solving” problems. Where no problems exist they must create them. Bomb the hell out of Hajistan and then fill the local ghettos with refugees and terrorists alike.

      Always keep in mind the difference between the people pulling the strings and the idiots dancing on the other end. The puppets have no idea what the master truly intends.