Well, Kiwis, you want a PC, “perfectly safe” country?

Update:  NZ Herald reader poll on the story. Liberty, it seems, is not a priority. Neither is personal responsibility. Self-subjugation rules.

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27 Responses to HAHAHAHAHA!

  1. Bill the Bunyip says:

    So instead of telling them to shove their food up their arse, these “educated and informed” fools sit there and take it.

  2. Darin says:

    Okay so……#1-if she wanted to have an abortion,which would kill,dismember and suction out the baby in bits and pieces this same crowd of insane lunatics would be perfectly okay with that and probably offer her a ride to the clinic.

    #2-the nitrates in the pepperoni and pizza sauce probably would have more ill effects than the <7% alcohol wine,which she probably would have only sipped a couple times anyway.

    #3-this same group of insane lunatics say nothing or defend the "rights" of mothers living in public housing and on the public dime to shoot heroin and meth and not be drug tested or lose their monthly allotment of taxpayer loot if caught.

    Get a good look folks,this is what happens when the asylum doors are flung wide.

  3. KG says:

    And this, guys, was the headline item in the NZ Herald. :shock:
    ” the asylum doors are flung wide” is right.

  4. mawm says:

    Some more brain-washed drones. The anti alcohol brigade have become as bad as the anti smoking zealots.

    OTOH I still waiting for a restaurant to refuse to sell a meal to one of these grossly obese interfering women on the basis that the food is detrimental to her health.

    • KG says:

      Zealots have tunnel vision, it seems to me Mawm. It’s all about the outrage de jour.
      Of course, had the pregnant women’s partner been a one-legged black lesbian, the wine would have arrived within seconds…..

  5. jonno1 says:

    OK, I’m going to go against the tide here… I have a friend who has studied foetal alcohol syndrome at PhD level, and her conclusion was that even one drink is (potentially) hazardous for a baby in utero. I think the restaurant was in a tight spot here. I must say that my wife, daughters and daughters-in-law didn’t touch a single drop of alcohol when pregnant (or when trying).

    • KG says:

      It’s still none of the restaurant’s damn business, jonno1.
      As for the research…….I think it’s bullshit.
      The human body – even an unborn baby – is almost certainly capable of dealing with a certain level of contaminants, else the bloody species would have died out long ago.
      The heavy-drinking, chain-smoking Russians seem perfectly capable of turning out strong, healthy babies. So were my ancestors.

      • Darin says:

        There is also a HUGE difference between a half glass of wine compared to shitfaced barfing on the floor drunk.

        If the young lady had been the latter,I too might have been hesitant to serve her pregnant or not,just out of common concern for her well being.But going berserk over a swig of wine on her anniversary night is simply over reacting.

        • john says:

          I wonder what scenario would have followed had she told the waitress, “oh, it’s ok, I’m ‘borting the little fucker tomorrow.” :twisted:

    • mawm says:

      There is no evidence that light alcohol consumption is harmful. The problem is where is the line between what is safe and what is not? There is also a lot of individual variation depending on how the mother metabolises her alcohol. With the number of young women getting regularly shit-faced on alcohol there are many who have done this repeatedly before finding out that they are pregnant – and this is the time when organogenesis is taking place. Sure heavy alcohol consumption in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters affects brain development, but the emphasis is on heavy.

      Anyway it is up to the mother to educate herself and decide for herself whether she will drink during pregnancy or not.

      • KG says:

        “Anyway it is up to the mother to educate herself and decide for herself whether she will drink during pregnancy or not.”

  6. KG says:

    And what the hell does “potentially hazardous” mean?
    Just about everything is potentially hazardous, from a can opener to a plastic bag. And eating in restaurants.
    Perhaps checkout operators should refuse to serve people with young children who are buying freezer bags?

  7. Oswald Bastable says:

    Good to see it happening to a schoolteacher.

    How does she feel about all that other PC bollocks they are at the forefront of promoting? :evil:

  8. Wombat says:

    Restaurant owners call.

    If he wants to refuse to serve pregnant women it’s his business.

    If he wants to refuse to serve blacks its his business.

    If he wants to refuse to serve people with glasses it’s his business

    We lost our way when we started assuming that we ALL had a say in how someone runs their own god-damned business.

    • KG says:

      It’s his business, but that doesn’t justify him poking his nose into a customer’s private decisions.
      I don’t believe we’re entitled to tell him how to run his business, but I do think he’s a fuckwit, and I hope this costs him customers.
      (if some gummint nazi stepped in and told him he had to serve the woman, I’d be just as disgusted).

      • Wombat says:

        Amen. I too think he’s a fucking idiot, but it’s his right.

        • Wombat says:

          His right, that is, to refuse service.

          When asked “are you pregnant” the woman’s response ought to have been “that’s nonnayer goddamn business.”

  9. Cadwallader says:

    This incident is stupid from stupid perspectives…
    1 The woman ought to have been served without nanny-state thinking by the waiter.
    2 The readers poll is so in love with state interference it is embarrassing.
    3 The woman herself going to the msm over a silly decision by a stupid bar-person.
    4 A child at 36 weeks will not suffer any dire consequences from a single glass of wine.

    The primary issue here is that it has nothing to do with third parties. It was her decision and hers alone. The incident ought never have been dumped in the public forum!

  10. PC says:

    The Horrid omitted the correct answer: It’s none of our business.