Pushback. And about time!

‘..Black Brunch protesters in Excelsior, Minnesota were run out of Maynard’s restaurant Sunday morning by angry customers and staff. The reaction was so swift one protester said they did not have time to take photos..’
We need more of this, everywhere across the West. Stop cringeing and apologising, speak up and fight back.

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11 Responses to Pushback. And about time!

  1. C-CS says:

    fight back – INDEED!!
    Enough of cringing to the PC- commie agenda-

  2. Ronbo says:

    I’m telling you the vast majority people in this country of ALL RACES are damn sick and tired of this racial crap :!:

    There will be more examples of counter attack in the future if black racists don’t get the message :!: :twisted:

    • Darin says:

      You’re right,whites,hispanics and asians,none of us like the brain dead shiftless blacks.There is gonna be hell to pay if they ever push us just a little too far.

      Rev Manning “I’m joining the White folks”


  3. Wombat says:


    I’ve got no words for this…


  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    The article says toward the end ‘…this will not end well’. I disagree, not pushing back will end far worse as the protestors get bolder because they don’t face any consequences. When they start to realise there are consequences, they may well tone down their rhetoric. A very few die-hards will escalate the violence (yes that is a prediction) but after they get taken down, things will be much more civil.

    What is it with most leftist protestors that they fail to see that common courtesy is the grease of civilization?

    • andy5759 says:

      I noted that comment at the end of the link and thought; maybe not, but it’s sure beginning well.

  5. KG says:

    “What is it with most leftist protestors that they fail to see that common courtesy is the grease of civilization?”
    Profound ignorance?

  6. Ronbo says:

    @Michael in Nelson:

    You are right on target, fellow Crusader :!:

    I well remember the Leftist anti-war protests in the colleges in the late 1960s that frequently got out of hand and resulted in much destruction of public property.

    That is until Kent State in early 1970 where the Ohio National Guard opened fire and killed a number of violent Leftist students, who had just set fire to the ROTC building and were busy looting other college property…..Suddenly it was no longer the, “In Thing” to trash and burn your college, especially in Ohio, because the governor was sure to call in the National Guard with LIVE ammunition to shoot you deadhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif