Ain’t that the truth!

James Delingpole:
As Farage has just been reminded, there’s no fascist like a liberal fascist

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10 Responses to Ain’t that the truth!

  1. G P says:

    “Along with Islamism, liberal fascism represents probably the biggest threat to freedom, civilisation and decency of our era. And you know what’s the most depressing thing about it? These scum – as Farage so rightly called them – not only think they have right and justice on their side. They also genuinely, sincerely believe that they are nice.”

    These people are usually the most rude and strident – check out these apologists for Islam in Aussie, a bunch of tattooed, pierced freaks – one woman even says she doesn’t believe in the law at 6.55. What, the law that protects her democratic right to protest? Maybe she should get a one-way ticket to Iran.

  2. KG says:

    “Maybe she should get a one-way ticket to Iran.”
    Damn right.

  3. G P says:

    Jewish professor totally owns terrorist supporter:

    First it will be the Jews, then the atheists and then the Christians and this professor totally ratted her out!