Open house

(8) and a large Lagomorph.

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34 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    He or she is a Flemish Giant rabbit.

    • Wombat says:

      A big rabbit, I’ll give you that, but I’ll bet my next paycheck that it’s next to a miniature collie rather than a full sized one.

  2. Odakyu-sen says:

    Well, while we’re on the subject of sleeping pets, I just have to put this link in (it gets interesting from the 6th second onwards…)

    • KG says:

      My favourite animal video clip:

      • Odakyu-sen says:

        I sent the link to my daughter. She likes owls and cats.

        • Darin says:

          The Tailgunner one reminds me of a joke about a WWII fighter ace who was touring the country drumming up sales for war bonds.

          One such event was at a middle school and he was on stage in the school gym telling his tale-“we were up about 15,000 feet when out of nowhere this Focker (kids start giggling)comes at us out of the Sun and started firing at us.We winged over and pulled hard on the flaps which got us behind him and we shot that Focker down(kids now laughing).Then three more Fockers came as us from the right and we managed to turn the tables on them and shoot those Fockers down too(kids now in a roar).
          Finally the school principal steps up and says-“That’s enough children quiet down,quiet down please! What he was referring to is a type of Airplane known as the Focke Wulf…….just then the Ace interrupts…

          “Oh no sir,those Fockers were flying Messerschmitts :mrgreen:

  3. KG says:

    From Counting Cats in Zanzibar:
    ‘In these truths we believe
    Pulling together is the aim of despots and tyrannies. Free men pull in all kinds of directions.’

  4. Wombat says:

    Time it takes for 3 year old to spill soft drink on laptop keyboard: 1 second.

    Time it takes to painstakingly remove keys, clean mechanisms and replace same: 2 hours.

    Thankfully the quick red fox still jumps over the lazy brown dog, but if that boy comes anywhere near this device with another drink in his hand I swear there’s gonna be trouble! :roll:

    • KG says:

      I’ve had cats do the same thing, with my coffee and beer. But then, I tend to forgive cats almost anything. :lol: I doubt that would extend to 3 year olds…….

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Hosenfeffer!!!!! (sp? (like I care?))

    Go watch Bugs and Elmer

  6. Ronbo says:


    We have discussed the U.S. Republican Party – and I think we both have been on the same page on this issue – to wit: The “lock” the GOP leadership is so great that it is impossible for Tea Party Patriots ever to reform it.

    Thus the only solution is to form a new nationalist party. I have noted that an inner party rebellion in the old Whig Party in 1854 led to the creation of the Republican Party by former northern Whigs who opposed slavery and were “locked” out of leadership positions by the southern Whigs. Note: The Whig Party was the original nationalist party in the USA.

    It would appear that the process of party creation has begun with the exit of Glenn Beck from the Republican Party…THIS IS A MAJOR DEFECTION BECAUSE BECK IS WELL REGARDED IN GOP CIRCLES. If history is a teacher, Beck will be joined by other GOP rebels and a new nationalist party will be born in short order.

    History repeats itself :?: Stay tuned… :shock:

  7. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    IITTSDTWL?* BlackBerry axd yours very trulililily to ax U this. Bringing our friends in our 56-57th Steaks up to date on current events Diplomatic Pouch wishes that yvt alert U 2 breaking developments in BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound OOPSS!!!gotta beep

    *Is It True That The Sheep Down There Wear Lipstick?

  8. Contempt says:

    :shock: Harvard is such a prick. Damn. :roll:

  9. Cadwallader says:

    I took it to be a hare and was keen to pun: “Hare of the Dog!”

  10. KG says:

    A win for islam, a defeat for free speech:
    ‘Anti-Islamist Talk Cancelled at Trinity College Over Fear of ‘Antagonising’ Muslim Students’

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The truth is anti-Muslim!

      • KG says:

        Shshhh Michael – otherwise it’s off to the re-education camp for you. :shock:

        • Wombat says:

          Don’t you love the message it sends.

          “Muslims, we’re afraid of you, and we’re willing to silence criticism against you if you’ll only spare us your terrible wrath.” :roll:

          How about “I’m going to speak my mind, and if you don’t like it then you can come-git-sum.” :evil:

          • Darin says:

            Two can play at that game-“Oh,you want to have a Pro-Islam rally? Uh oh,fraid not,that might incite violence and we can’t have any of that now can we? :roll: :roll: :twisted:

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    Well I don’t know about anybody else, but I sure feel safer…

    • KG says:

      From your link:
      ‘A spokesman for Vodafone said questions about how often it provided information to police should be directed to police. “Where disclosure is made in response to authorities’ lawful demands, our responsibility to respect our customers’ right to privacy is being balanced against wider public interest considerations.”..’
      Fucking weasel-words. How the hell does Vodafone know that there are “wider public interest considerations” if the information is sought and supplied without a warrant?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        It isn’t fucking Voda’s role to determine the balance between their “customers’ right to privacy” and “wider public interest considerations.” That’s what Judges are for, and that’s why it’s Judges who can issue warrants.

        It’s no more, and no less, than police-state fascism. It’s stasi tactics. The whole point of a warrant is it’s proof a process was followed, and that police have a reason to suspect the information sought will give them insight into a crime or criminal.

        The correct response from Voda, and any other organisation, to such a “request” would be “FRO until I see a warrant signed by a Judge.”

        That is, if we were free men living in a free country. Which we’re clearly not.

        • KG says:

          “That is, if we were free men living in a free country. Which we’re clearly not.”
          Lets say it again:
          “That is, if we were free men living in a free country. Which we’re clearly not.”

          Damn right, Gantt.

  12. Ronbo says:

    Bergdahl FINALLY charged with desertion – could face EXECUTION by firing squad :!:

    I hope it happens and I hope it’s on video :!:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I reckon they’ll have to assemble the firing squad using the ballot method; every member of every single one of the armed services will be volunteering to pull the trigger!

      • KG says:

        They won’t execute the prick – instead he’ll be offered taxpayer’s money for a sex change and an Ambassadorship.

  13. KG says:

    Grrrr……GMX mail is down again. :evil: