Open house

Francis Porretto (again):   Homosexuality, Lycanthropy, And Free Will

On enforced “tolerance”, death threats and intimidation from the left’s “sodomitic fascists” and their media allies. (And some people think islam is the only ideology to use this tactic.) The parallels are interesting.
UPDATE: From Tim Blair:
‘..The hatred and threats were so intense that the pizza shop shut down and the proprietors went into hiding. Then something magnificent happened. Texan journalist Lawrence Jones launched a funding drive for the shop, with the modest initial aim of raising $25,000. Let’s see how that campaign is going:
Chalk that up as win for the good guys, for sanity and for some effing justice! 

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40 Responses to Open house

  1. mawm says:

    Thomas Sowell on the Obama’s Nuclear negotiations with Iran, the world’s biggest sponsor of international terrorism, quotes Winston Churchill’s
    “currents of hatred so intense as to sear the souls of those who swim upon them.”

    Clearing the way for Iran to get nuclear bombs may — probably will — be the most catastrophic decision in human history. And it can certainly change human history, irrevocably, for the worse.

    I do however disagree with him as to why Obama is so keen to get this agreement; he says it is as a fig leaf to cover his failure to do anything that has any serious chance of stopping Iran from going nuclear, I think it was always his intention to arm Iran and get them to annihilate Israel for which he, as any well intentioned muslim would, has a visceral hatred of them.

    • Darin says:

      “I think it was always his intention to arm Iran and get them to annihilate Israel for which he, as any well intentioned muslim would, has a visceral hatred of them.”


      When the French,Germans and even the Russians wanted tighter controls on Iran than Obama,that to me is proof it’s all about annihilating Israel.

      • Wombat says:

        Screw “tighter controls”.

        I’m of the belief that when a psychopath threatens you with death then you take them at their word and turn them into paste before they can make good on their threats.

        Were I in charge, I would first send a private message to Iran’s leaders. It would be simple.

        “Threaten another world race, religion or nation with pre-emptive violence and we will glass your nation.”

        If they ignored this warning then I would, by many and varied delivery systems, inform the population of Iran that their leaders have set a course for annihilation and that they have one week to either replace their leadership, flee the country, or face the consequences to standing idly by.

        Then, if necessary I would make good on my threat.

        The west has had, for the last 50 years, a capacity unprecedented in human history to utterly annihilate barbarism from the face of the earth.

        We have chosen to foster that barbarism for many reasons, all of which will be cold comfort if the barbarians manage to build a nuclear weapon of their own.

        • Darin says:

          “Screw “tighter controls”.

          I agree mostly definitely,I was just pointing out that if the effeminate socialist frogs are talking tougher than the POTUS you then should know how well we are truly screwed.

          ““Threaten another world race, religion or nation with pre-emptive violence and we will glass your nation.”

          I wouldn’t even give them the message,I would just do it,but then neither you nor I are in a position to do it,so who is?It certainly won’t be Cameron,Abbott,Key,Harper,Merkel,or Hollande.Normally a job such as that would fall to an American president,unfortunately the one we have available is a member of the MB-i.e. we are screwed.

  2. mawm says:

    Debunking “disproportionate response”.

    • G P says:

      Excellent clip and great comment about using their children as human sacrifices against Israel.

      I saw a clip of a muslim woman holding a six-month old boy in her lap and she said she was keen for him to fight for islam. One wonders what she would consider old enough. I suppose msulim women consider their uteruses essential to the war effort.

      As for Iran getting nukes, it’s starting to sound like the film of Neville Shute’s book On the Beach. Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner and a very young Anthony Perkins.

      • Darin says:

        Fully realizing Israel has nukes already,if we get a new president that by some miracle has his head screwed on straight he should just step up and offer Israel the Aegis ABM system and some Minuteman III’s.

        The idea being a Middle Eastern version of the MAD doctrine.That way Iran will know if they launch,it will be shot down and the return volley will leave them a radioactive wasteland for the next few decades.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          MAD worked because although the soviets were evil, they were also quite keen to remain in existence on this earth. The muslims rush headlong towards death in the hope – especially if they get to take Israel with them – of eternal salvation and an endless supply of virgin goats.

          They want the end of the world to come, preferably at their hands.

          MAD won’t work with Iran because they are, quite literally, mad.

          • Darin says:

            “MAD won’t work with Iran because they are, quite literally, mad.”

            Precisely,but the path we are headed down now will end with everyone throwing nukes around,not just Iran and Israel.I would much rather see those two go at it especially if we stack the deck in Israel’s favor.Odds are if the exchange did happen we know who the victor would be.
            I don’t see any other avenue open,none of our leadership will back a move against Iran now or even after Iran dropped one on Israel,or New York,or London.The UN surely won’t do anything and I doubt Israel will go it alone with a muslim brotherhood member in the Oval office.

  3. Wombat says:

    Waxing lyrical about the nature of homosexuality is wasted time. We could just as easily trumpet the evils of overeating. The bottom line is that the issue is not homosexuality but tyranny, imposed by government or the mob.

    Consider that 100 years ago a gay pizza shop owner may well have suffered the same bullying.

    So the problem is pretty obvious. It’s got nothing to do with homosexuality and everything to do with authoritarian bastards who have nothing more to do with their time than abuse pizza store owners for living as they wish to live.

    Guys kissing makes me queasy, yeah, but the duty of people living in a free society is to gut up and focus on that very small minority of authoritarians that want to use these divide and conquer tactics to put us all in chains.

    I posted the same thing over at Mister P’s place.

  4. Wombat says:

    Al Shabaab kills at least 147 at Kenyan university; siege ends

    I’m eagerly awaiting the explanation for how colonisation is to blame.

    We can at least take heart in the words of Interior Minister Joseph Nkaissery.

    “The operation has ended successfully. Four terrorists have been killed.”

    That’s only 37 people plus change per terrorist. How terribly fortunate none of the students were armed. They might have suffered one of those mass shootings where ten or fifteen people are killed. :roll:

    • Darin says:

      On a radio show the other day,I believe it was Duane Berry,he made the point that of the 196 countries in the world there are 159 countries that have higher gun related homicide rates than the US and ALL of them have very strict gun control laws on the books.So much for gun control laws preventing murder.

      • Wombat says:

        The truth is a lot of those countries are Godforsaken mudholes where Commander Mutumbo puts strict gun laws on the books as a means to “lawfully” execute anyone that has the tools to stand in his way.

        Which is precisely the road we’re going down here in the West.

  5. Ronbo says:

    Gun control is people control.

    • Wombat says:

      Thankfully that madness is losing momentum.

      It’s driven now almost solely by politicians, odd billionaires and a handful of cranks, all of whom are being pushed to the fringe and beginning to appear desperate and harried because of it.

  6. Darin says:

    McLaren P1 -VS- Porsche 918 Spyder-

    Both are Hybrids :shock:

    • KG says:

      Bugger hybrids – proper cars have only huge internal combustion engines.

      • Darin says:

        Yes indeed,but I have always wanted to play with a Gasoline or Diesel electric drive in a car.DC motors offer some distinct advantages over mechanical drive trains,the chief one being constant torque over the entire speed range.Flip the switch and you have an instant 1000 hp and 2000 lb ft of torque.

        Like the electric drag bike Killacycle,the rider said the only problem he had with acceleration was hanging on to the bastard :mrgreen:

  7. Ronbo says:

    As usual, America’s anchorman, Rush Limbaugh, has the real deal on the Pizza Shop Incident: The “Twitter Burst” and the hate mongers may number as few as 15 subhuman Leftists funded by George Soros.

    Limbaugh notes he has been attacked the same way for years.

    • Ronbo says:


      You are made to believe that it is genuine outrage that a majority of Americans are simply unwilling to tolerate this kind of bigotry in their pizza shop owners and that all it takes is one report from a local channel, 57, South Bend ABC station, and the entire country is outraged and is demanding that this shop close and the people that run it be penalized somehow? That is not what happens.

      I briefly touched on this yesterday. That same kind of attack that you have seen on this pizza shop occurs every day to sponsors of this program and others, and has been going on for years. It even has a name. It’s called the Stop Rush movement and it’s the exact same thing. We finally, after a number of years of this, invested in research. And I want to repeat what I said yesterday about what we found as it relates to the Stop Rush.

      We found that 85% of all the tweets and e-mails threatening sponsors of this program are created by 10 people. We know their names. We know where they live. We have released this information in the form of a press release to Drive-By Media outlets. They refuse to run it, predictably. But we know who these people are. We know where they live. One is a madcap environmentalist wacko in Camarillo, California. The other one is an active college professor something I think in Northeast New Hampshire.

      They have developed, in cooperation with some associates at Twitter, an algorithm that creates fake tweets, generates fake tweets in the thousands, made to look like they’re coming from real people, who in this case despise me or, in the case of this pizza joint, hate this little girl owning the pizza joint, this young woman that owns the pizza joint, they hate her. In a matter of minutes they’re able to gin this up. There aren’t that many people that outraged over this reacting in such a manner. This is fake as well, I’m convinced of it. It’s drummed up. It’s made to look like something that’s not.

      Not only have we found that 10 people are responsible for 85% of the fake complaints, we have found that an even greater percentage than that come from locations not even in the same city where the business is located. They are threatening never to patronize. Sometimes they make death threats. It’s the same thing, but it’s been going on, George Soros pays for it in many cases. He’s the one who funds this. But I want to stress it’s not just me. I mean, the Stop Rush movement floats. And right now it’s focused on anybody in Indiana they don’t like.

      They have perfected this technique where 10, 15 people with an algorithm can make it appear that thousands and thousands of individuals are outraged to the point of being unaccepting of what’s going on. They send all of these tweets and all of these threats and it forces this little pizza shop to shut down, when in fact it’s not anywhere near. It’s as fake as the news story is. It’s as fake as “hands up, don’t shoot” was. We have researched it. We know. But not everybody’s gonna take the time to do the research and prove it to themselves.

  8. Robert says:

    Sweden’s Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom has offered an apology to Saudi Arabia after describing the kingdom as a “dictatorship” that abuses human rights and hands out harsh punishments to bloggers.

      • Ronbo says:

        I’m shocked, YES :!: :shock: SHOCKED :!: :shock: the Saudis would be upset about being called a “dictatorship” :!: :shock:

        I mean, no country in the world follows THE KORAN as closely as do the Saudis, which is clearly a guide to the creation and holding of a totalitarian regime :!:

  9. KG says:

    Comment over at Tim Blair’s place:

    Amy replied to Cato
    Fri 03 Apr 15 (11:59pm)

    We normally have pizza on Fridays where I work, but this week we decided we’d donate the kitty to this Indiana pizza joint. Even the lesbian assistant manager, whose wedding many of us attended a few weeks ago, kicked in. It’s about standing up to bullies. We wouldn’t like it if someone threatened to burn us down just because one of our managers is homosexual; we don’t like it that they’re threatening to burn down this pizza shop just because the owners are Christians.

  10. KG says:

    It’s way past time to stand up to the tiny minority of zealots who speak for almost nobody.
    Resist. Speak out. Ridicule and oppose.
    We are the majority and only cowardice in the face of a very real enemy can defeat us.

    • mawm says:

      Yes, but we are not organised.

      Maybe we need a community organiser of our own.

      • KG says:

        I think we do, Mawm. But there’s none in sight at the moment.

        • Wombat says:

          They pop up from time to time but someone shouts “racist”, the herd spooks and the place clears out like there’s a bomb scare.

  11. caleb says:

    It is going to be one fine pizza shop now :)

  12. Mathew says:

    Glad to see people standing up to the leftist fascists, one does wonder though if there are any such campaigns of hate and mob justice against any muslim businesses that refuse to roll out the red carpet to the local homos.

    Ah but then that would require the fiercesome leftist twitterati to find a couple of testicles between the lot of them wouldn’t it. :lol:

    • Wombat says:

      That’s the progressives for you. Every dirty trick in the book is justified in the name of their cause, but treat them with anything but kid gloves and they’re “being oppressed”.

      Those little snowflakes are going to get an ugly wake-up call one day when they find a 250 pound white shaven gorilla standing over their bed with a black bag in hand. :evil:

      • KG says:

        I damn well pray so. :evil:

        • Darin says:

          Typical,the ones screaming racism the loudest are white :roll:

          Reminds me of the white lefty that called me racist because I didn’t vote for Obama.I told him to watch his mouth since he was white I could wail on him all I wanted :mrgreen: