What if two gays want to rent a womb?

If a surrogate mother declines to rent her body to produce a child for a gay couple, can the state force her to do it?

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18 Responses to What if two gays want to rent a womb?

  1. Cadwallader says:

    You have to savour the nano-second when two separate pieces of PC garbage smash into one another…like a Hadron Collider full of stupidity! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  2. Darin says:

    My question is,if two gays can walk into a Christian Bakery and demand a gay wedding cake.Can I now walk into a Kosher deli and demand a Pork salad sandwich?http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gif

  3. Wombat says:

    The answer to the question is that the state can’t force you to do much of anything.

    They can only beat you, fine you, imprison you or kill you if you refuse. The argument that “the state made me do it” is a poor excuse that we’re all guilty of making, often many times a day.

    It doesn’t matter what the mother’s reason for refusal is. She could be refusing them because they’re “straight-ass crackas” for all I care.

    The state built the tools of our oppression trouncing the freedom of minorities and for many so-called-libertarians this only became an issue when the minorities were given the upper hand in order to finish the job the state started so many years ago.

    So if anyone thinks this is an issue about “gays” then the state dog-whistle of divide and conquer is still well within their range of hearing.

    American thinker asks of the legislation “Where do you draw the line?”

    And here I thought the question was “who’s right is it to draw a fricking line in the first place?”

  4. Flashman says:

    The true dogwhistle cheeps from the reductionist hypothetical posed in the source article.

    • Wombat says:

      It’s true. Money talks and bull$h!t walks.

      Marginalising and aggressively victimising lone conservatives will become a lot less appealing to the progressive predators when their victims are reimbursed by like-minded conservatives (and then some).

      • Darin says:

        The part being most ignored by the MSM is that there is a fairly large number of gays who are appalled at the fascist behavior of the activists.

        • KG says:

          They sure are. The bastard activists probably represent less than 1% of homosexuals.

          • Ronbo says:

            KG: Limbaugh thinks only 10 to 15 Leftist activists (maybe homosexuals or maybe not) were involved in the Twitter Burst on the pizza people that resulted in the Media Blitz…

    • Ronbo says:

      Up to $750,000 today. Rush Limbaugh has been hawking for pizza money on his radio program that has over 20 million listeners. Do the math. If every Rush listener sends the pizza people only $1 each. :mrgreen: Oh :!: Thus encouraged they will re-model the store and be re-opened for business soon.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  5. Ronbo says:


    When can we start killing these Leftist bastards :?: :shock:

    It would be mercy killings.

    These subhumans are sinking in a sea of hatred against their betters…They are never happy even when they win.

    They shoot sick and dying horses, don’t they :?: :evil:

    As always, I’m only joking…. :roll:

  6. Darin says:

    Gay wedding cakes at a Muslim bakery?


    Nope,and I support their right to refuse despite the glaring double standard the media has against Christians.

    Hummm….wonder why none of the gay activists have attacked them on twitter or issued death threats?http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif :roll:

  7. Ronbo says:

    The Left doesn’t have the BALLS to bring up the Muslim owned bakery in Dearborn, Michigan that refused to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding :!:

    If they did, the Muslims would do a Jihad against their chicken shit bodies and they know the deal…

    However, Christians are an easy target because they turn the other cheek and pray for the sinner :!:

    Leftists are little chicken shit bastards :!: I remember one time back in the 1980s I had a debate on local cable TV with this big mouth Leftist college professor in Melbourne, Florida. The subject of the debate was Central America where the Reagan Administration had supported the Resistance against the Communists. Well the debate got very heated and raised my righteous voice of facts, reason and logic to blow the little pinko out of the water. :mrgreen:

    Anyhow, I kid you not :!: The little girly man got so upset, (btw, I DID NOT THREATEN HIM :!: ) he actually called the Melbourne police to the parking lot of the TV station to made sure “I didn’t get him” on his way out of the building to his car. :mrgreen:

    The chicken shit Left in action. :mrgreen: