by making criticism of Islam a crime
Labour candidate Ed Miliband, who would have put Winston Churchill in prison for his views on Islam, has now pledged to make so-called ‘Islamophobia’ a criminal offense if he becomes Prime Minister..’
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The Labour Party? I thought they went belly up years ago.
The Church of England is part of the Government there, is it not?
Lords Temporal And Spiritual – The House of Lords – along with the House of Commons, Monarchy and independent legal system are the foundation stone of Great Britain.
The British constitution is unwritten and over the years the House of Commons has assumed more and more power with majority rule so powerful that it can do anything in Britain except make a man, a woman.
Thus the formerly GREAT Britain that at one point controlled one-fourth of the surface of the planet, and whose mighty Royal Navy once ruled the waves, has been reduced to a few small islands because the awesome system balances and checks so inspiring that even when revolutionary searched for a constitution for their new republic, they adopted “Checks and Balances” as a key measure in their U.S. Constitution.
Oh! And the new American flag adopted the British colors of red, white and blue even while colonial forces were ripped apart in early battles by the superior Royal Army.
Oh! And in another long forgotten battle in a long forgotten war against the British Empire at Baltimore in 1814, Americans would inspired to write their war inspired national anthem.
Sang to the tune of a popular British drinking song of the era that today is nearly impossible to sing except by trained singers.
Unfortunately, like the formerly Great Britain, America’s British/Roman inspired and WRITTEN constitution has fallen to the “Democracy” of alleged majority rule, which is window dressing for a hideous tyranny growing just off stage in the shadows.
If that postule Milliband does get in at least we will be able to get a resolution to the Muslim invasion problem – a bloody civil war within two years if not less.
O Wise Roman Seneca – Do you not understand the republic is dead and that civil war is inevitable?
@R, I think S III does indeed realise that one is inevitable. I read him to say that under Millibland it will come quicker, and be over sooner; better all round. Under Camoron it will take longer to develop and be a more protracted affair. Either way, TPTB are planning for a civil war – all the laws to manage it are in place, including confiscation of all sorts of property and martial law direction of where to live, employment, etc.
It seems that speaking the truth is now seen as speaking “hate speech!”
Just as Orwell predicted in 1984.
Miliband was on some show here the other day and I must say what a slimey,leftist POS he is
The five stages of islamic conquest plus a time line later in the article which may have predicted the stages earlier but still a good guide.
Excellent! Thanks G P.