This is a dictatorship in all but name

Sessions to Obama: Why Are You Keeping Obamatrade’s New Global Governance Secret?

‘.. the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, has written a scathing new letter to President Barack Obama pressuring him to explain why Obamatrade has been so secretive.
“The letter, which received no reply, asked several fundamental questions Congress ought to have answered before even considering whether to grant the executive such broad new powers,” Sessions wrote to Obama on Friday referencing his previous letter. “Among those, I asked that you make public the section of the TPP that creates a new transnational governance structure known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission. The details of this new governance commission are extremely broad and have the earmarks of a nascent European Union, with many similarities.
“Reviewing the secret text, plus the secret guidance document that accompanies it, reveals that this new transnational commission – chartered with a ‘Living Agreement’ clause – would have the authority to amend the agreement after its adoption, to add new members, and to issue regulations impacting labor, immigration, environmental, and commercial policy.
“Under this new commission, the Sultan of Brunei would have an equal vote to that of the United States.”
President Obama has ignored and rejected bipartisan calls for transparency on Obamatrade, and refuses to release to the public the text of TPP that TPA would fast-track. In fact, currently, only members of Congress—and certain cleared staffers with high enough security clearances, and those staffers can only go with a member—are allowed to go into a secret room in the U.S. Capitol to go read the text of Obamatrade’s TPP component…’
(emphases mine. kg)

Only patriots and guns will fix this.

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19 Responses to This is a dictatorship in all but name

  1. caleb says:

    FIFA, Corporate’s, Government’s, its all the same…

    • KG says:

      Yep. And probably unfixable, short of civil war.
      Not that civil war will “fix” it in the conventional sense, but it would certainly destroy a lot of the structures that make it possible.

  2. Pascal says:

    “The letter, which received no reply….”

    And, in fact, the behavior of the whole of the DC establishment reminds any sane person of the phrase “stone-walling” first used to describe the Nixon Administration’s cover-up of criminal actions.

    • KG says:

      This bunch make Nixon look like a model of rectitude, Pascal.

      • Pascal says:

        Yes, KG. Exactly. I mentioned it because the contrast intensifies what the Progs mean by progress. The Prog (Rockefeller) entangled Nixon could not even dream of doing what the current criminals take for granted as ripe for the taking. The role of media in both is also worth noting.

        • KG says:

          Worth noting indeed.
          The slide down into this pit has accelerated enormously over the past year and the media has (have?) made that possible.

          • Pascal says:

            Yes, accelerated as promised by the logo of Obama’s reelection campaign.

            That is, back to a social order whence individual liberties were barely a dream.

            The Anti-Enlightenment.

  3. Warren Tooley says:

    If the TPPA is such a good idea, we would all know about it. The fact that it is secret says something else. So I can only presume that its not going to be good overall. One of the things I’ve noticed is an impossible copyright law changes. It used to be that you were allowed to take 4% of something. So you could for instance take 4% of a song and tell people what the song meant to you. And in the US it is or was 10%, and that counted as fair usage.

    So I talked to the copyright council or whatever they are called and found out that if I quote even one line, that isn’t fair usage. I have to ask the artist to quote even one line. I can only presume these changes are so that we will be ready for TPPA. TPPA has to do with commercial agreements between nations. And they’ve already cancelled morning and afternoon tea breaks.

    • KG says:

      John Key is very quiet about it Warren, and the media are not asking questions……

  4. KG says:

    I have a strong feeling that this represents a bigger threat to what’s left of our liberties than anything else in my long lifetime.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Hell yes KG. I’m just mentioning what I’ve already seen. I’m pretty sure these things are so that we are ready for the TPPA. One of the big issues is the fact, that any changes that affect a company’s bottom line, means the company can sue. So, if you say, Hollywood movies are too dirty at the moment, Hollywood can sue you for that. That’s the big thing. It also means Genetically modified foods will no longer require the label.

      Why is the media saying nothing. Maybe, the same people who are pushing the TPPA, are also in charge of the media. You have to have plenty of money to own the TV stations.

  5. Ronbo says:

    George Orwell was a genius and a prophet having predicted this very thing happening in “1984.” – The rise of three great totalitarian empires including “Oceania” which had the old British Empire as a core.

    Revolution anyone?

    • Warren Tooley says:

      How about, for a start, turn off the mainstream news, and get the true news from reliable sources. The mainstream media only tells you what they want you to know. The elitists lack the numbers. They have the money, the technology, the courts etc. Everything is in their favour except people who believe. And if all people do is not listen to the mainstream media, and get properly informed, well that will put a block into their plans.

  6. Warren Tooley says:

    Oh by the way, how far are you into the novel, how many chapters have you done so far?

  7. Warren Tooley says:

    The latest on TPP, if the link will work:

    EMERGENCY: TPP IS Tyrannical World Government