Open house

and spot the evasions and half-truths:
‘Prime Minister John Key has promised that New Zealanders will continue to pay no more than $5 for subsidised prescriptions, whatever happens to Pharmac under the Trans Pacific Partnership.
He made his comments to reporters in Christchurch today when questioned about the latest leak of TPP text by Wikileaks which suggest there will be greater requirements on Pharmac for transparency in its decision-making and potential for review.
“Ultimately for New Zealanders, they pay $5 for prescription drugs sponsored by Pharmac,” Mr Key said. “The Government pays any additional costs.
“So whatever happens as a result of TPP, New Zealanders are going to carry on paying $5 for their prescriptions.”
He said again that the Government would not sign anything that under-cut Pharmac in a dramatic way…’
This amounts to nothing more than “trust me”, and coming from a politician, that’s laughable.
We’d trust you a little more, Mr. Key, if you made the agreement you are signing Kiwis up to public, so we can have an informed debate about it.  Until then, you won’t mind if we lump this bullshit in with secret negotiations to hand Maori more taxpayer’s property and your arrogant response to the results of the smacking referendum. Oh, and your support for the odious Helen Clark’s bid for a U.N. job.
Trust? I’d sooner trust a ratel on speed.

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28 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘The Legion and Women’
    ‘..Anders Breivik killed seventy seven people, among them young women, and as deplorable as his crimes sound to the common man, his prison staff cannot cope with the volume of fan mail he receives from the hot young women that want his children…’

    • Darin says:

      Yup,same here with the Boston bomber and Charles Manson,women flocking to them or in the case of Manson,marrying them

      Women hold the single most important job on Earth and many of them have been talked into ignoring it,go figure.

  2. MacDoctor says:

    Mr. Key is being disingenuous. Obviously, if drugs become more expensive because of the TPP, we will all pay that extra cost in tax, regardless of whether the script fee remains at $5.

    One possible good thing about the TPP and drugs is that it may temper Pharmac’s relentless obsession with price and allow us greater variety in the drugs available to us.

    • KG says:

      How useful would a greater variety be, MacDoc? I don’t mean in specific cases, but in general?

  3. Grog says:

    India is conducting sea trials on its bird farm.

    Wonder if they’ll be serving curry for lunch and dinner.?

    • Darin says:

      It’s a bizarre little boat based on it’s Russian built cousin.Indian engineering is funny,sometimes they hit on a unique idea and pull it off really well,other times not so much.

    • Yokel says:

      And the British Government still gives foreign aid to India!

      • Darin says:

        So do we,I figure if they can afford a military and can launch satellites they really don’t need anymore of my money.

        • KG says:

          I think India must be the first country in history to state that it no longer needs foreign aid – they told the Brit gummint that recently. 8O

          • Yokel says:

            But the British government will not listen. In pandering to the Left, they have ring fenced the foreign aid budget from the “austerity” cuts, and are desperate to find ways of spending it! They also enjoy the power it gives them to interfere in the affairs of foreign sovereign countries.

  4. Yokel says:

    Bad news for anyone who likes to drink camel urine:
    But the “splendid” journalist fails to mention whyThe practice of consuming camel urine is popular in the Middle East, with some people convinced it helps them with their health problems.” No mention that a failed caravan trader and all round bad guy said that it was indeed a cure all.

  5. Yokel says:

    Licencing of Rented Property. KG recently you objected to NZ govt proposals to stick their noses into the arrangements between landlord and tenant. Don’t try to rent in certain areas of Britain (such as the London Borough of Croydon) unless you wish to die of a Stroke or Heart Failure:
    The current view seems to be that it is just raising revenue on who stands still for too long in this socialist paradise (Croydon!). But observation shows that once the council officers have a chance to put their feet in the door, they will use those powers in order to demonstrate just how essential they are, and the demands on landlords will increase inexorably.

    I wonder how that could be related to the themes running through the Communist Manifesto that the State should be the provider of everything that the citizen needs?

    • KG says:

      If I lived in the U.K., Yokel i am absolutely sure I’d have offed a council scumbag a long time ago.

  6. Yokel says:

    TPP? At the same time there is TTIP which I guess covers identical ground with a different group of nations. Groundwork for World Government by Stealth?

    • Darin says:

      “postponed because of political divisions” yes,they will come back later and do it when no one is looking.They will probably even do something to distract us,like start WWIII.

  7. steve says:

    ” The government pays ” !!??? The gov pays out of what it stole from tax payers who have no choice . Maybe a $5 charge will stay , I’m sure the fucking thieves will steal even more somewhere else .

    • KG says:

      Of course. And still there are people who speak of “governments money” as though the government has earned instead of thieving it, Steve.

      • Ronbo says:

        It’s not a crime for the government to steal money…It’s called taxation…

        You know I once read of a colony that revolted against its Mother Country because dear old Mom wanted Junior to pony up for things like security guards, since Junior was all grown up, but still living on the family estate.

        Junior said, “No way, Ma! You and Dad decided how much money you were taking away from me without my permission, knowledge or input! So I’m out of this family!”

        Then it was taxation without representation…Today its taxation without hesitation.

    • Robertv says:

      I have no problem with taxation as long as it is indirect.

      • KG says:

        I have a damn big problem with taxation because so much of it is miss-spent and wasted.

  8. dondiego says:

    Mean old car Hey anybody hear any more about those bikers with the muhammed cartoon contest?

    Or those bikers who got shot up earlier? Contempt’s tone suggested Fed involvement. And has anybody heard from Harvard Potato Head? -I hope the chigger compound didn’t cave in… I hope Mad Max in an hour is as good as part II.

    • KG says:

      Haven’t heard any more about the Waco biker shooting, Dondiego. Things seem to have gone very quiet there.

  9. G P says:

    Medicine for muslim

    The VA reports individuals to the gun ban list if an individual merely needs financial assistance managing VA benefits. Although the VA process is not designed to regulate firearm ownership, it results in veterans and their loved ones being barred from exercising their fundamental, Constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights.