Another horsecrap headline:

Stuff NZ wouldn’t be getting some of that U.N. cash for the media to promote global warming, by any chance?
Climate change is making waves wash over Wellington’s south coast roads more frequently, mayor says.
..Celia Wade-Brown made the warning on Monday morning, as the road from Lyall Bay to Moa Point remained closed after boulders were washed onto it on Sunday.
While waves washing over south coast roads had occurred before they were now becoming increasingly common as a direct impact of climate change, she said…’

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14 Responses to Another horsecrap headline:

  1. Warren Tooley says:

    Next thing they’ll be telling us is that gummy bears are real, hee hee.

  2. MacDoctor says:

    Another grave announcement from the “evidence-free” zone so beloved by green politicians. Another vacuous, breathless report from some creature laughingly called a “journalist”.

    And they call we Christians superstitious and gullible…

    • KG says:

      Yes, but theirs is not a faith you see, MacDoc. Nossir. Backed by scientific evidence, it is.
      That, and rent-seekers, scam artists and crony capitalism, but we won’t mention those. Or the fake “peer review” process.
      Or….never mind.

    • KG says:

      From your link, Michael:
      “This legislation is first and foremost a national security bill,” said Rep Kay Granger (R-Texas), chairwoman of the Appropriations subcommittee on State and foreign operations.
      Buy that lady a beer!
      But you’re right, it’s just chipping away at the borders of the scam.

  3. Col. Bunny says:

    They mean global warming, of course, and everything in the world is caused by that. Burnt toast? So sorry. Global warming, old bean.

    • KG says:

      I find it telling that the term “climate change” has replaced “global warming”, Col. Bunny.

  4. mawm says:

    Just wait, you climate change heathens, just wait until you have no more beer or chocolate or coffee.

    • KG says:

      8O Beer and coffee are the minimum needed to sustain life!
      We’re in deep trouble.

      • Darin says:

        Worse still Bluebell Ice cream has been recalled and taken off the store shelves not to return until Fall :shock: it’s a famine! :shock:

  5. Tom says:

    Now a dog swept away at St.Clair beach Dunedin by a large wave is a victim of climate change,according to its owner.My god what next.

    • Darin says:

      My god what next

      Never ask that question,it’s the surest way to get an answer.

  6. tranquil says:

    “…a direct impact of climate change, **she said**.”

    Oh…. so CWB is “the font of all wisdom” on so-called “climate change”.
    Yeah, riiiiiiiight…….