Open house

I find this hard to believe:
Moderate drinkers at risk
More moderate Kiwi drinkers are getting cancer than serious boozers, with women particularly at risk…’
Has this researcher even heard of the phrase “correlation is not causation”?

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28 Responses to Open house

  1. Jamie says:

    That twat researcher can get f…d

    In Britain the coppa’s have stopped investigating property and car crime…

    I know of one brazen daylight robbery in the last week in my local area – bloke reached over the till at the fish and chip shop, never made the papers and I doubt the cops got em.

    • Darin says:

      Once the rule of law dissolves vigilantism is the only option left to civilized men.

      Over here on the state/federal level the rule of law has already been abandoned years ago when it comes to defending our borders.Even though that responsibility is explicitly defined as the federal government’s alone,several states are starting to go it alone and form their own border patrol.

    • tranquil says:

      Being a “creative thinker” and all that, this could be *good* news!

      There is now a *green light* for the Brits to do property crime and theft *against Muslims!* Oh – and left-wingers too!

      The way I see it, the more heat that Brits put on the cops by destroying mosques, Islamic schools and Muslim and left-winger homes, the sooner that Britain will be FREED from its *treasonous* so-called leaders.

      I see this as an *opportunity* for the Brits!

      • KG says:

        Let’s hope they see it the same way. Tranquil.
        But….I suspect any crimes against muslims will be prosecuted enthusiastically. They’re a protected species, you see.

        • tranquil says:

          Hmm…. fair comment.

          The way “around” that would be for them to simply carry out so many actions as to *overwhelm* the police. They’d then have to call in the army and that could *really* kick things off…..

          But (sadly) I guess it may be a while before we see the “overwhelming” stage.
          I *would* love to see more similar actions though.
          A few destroyed mosques and Islamic schools would be a very satisfying thing to see.

          • KG says:

            “A few destroyed mosques and Islamic schools would be a very satisfying thing to see.”
            Oh, YES!

    • KG says:

      That’s unreal. Cast your mind back just twenty years, when such a thing would have been almost unthinkable. 8O

  2. Jamie says:

    Minute 1.30 Things start warming up

    Min 1.50 The action starts

    • KG says:

      I can’t believe more couldn’t be done to stop this, Jamie. I suspect the decision not to comes from very high up in both governments.

      • Darin says:

        MS-13 members are flooding in here by the droves and recruiting more when they get here-

        This bunch does some seriously sick stuff it’s on the increase on this side of the border and not a peep from the national media.Latin gangs and illegal alien criminals are the best kept secret in the US at the moment as far as the MSM are concerned. :evil:

        Of course our elected betters are complicent in this,they see them as a means to grab even more freedom from the public.

  3. G P says:

    I’m loving Tony more and more – he gives a damn about his fellow citizens:

    There should also be an announcement that after a certain date boats arriving with muslims will be sunk as soon as they hove into view.

  4. tranquil says:

    On the *awesome* anti-Muslim action by the heroes at Bolton – what they need is a **battle flag**.

    Such a flag is *essential*. It is a rallying-point and rallying-symbol. It can also be placed on buildings that the resistance-fighters (as I’ll call them) have occupied – it shows that “this area is in the control of the FREEDOM forces”.

    I think there is NO way that the UK flag could be used. It is permanently tainted – it now stands for the current *quisling* administration of the UK.

    Yep, they definitely need a battle-flag.

  5. Ronbo says:

    “The Muslims say the Jews are descended from apes and pigs.”

    I say the Muslims are subhuman mad dogs who should be shot on sight!

    I’m sorry to be so brutal and leave stinking bodies all over the place, but this is a RELIGIOUS DUTY found in Chapter One of RONBO – “And the Prophet Ronbo appeared among the Patriots in the days after 9/11 and said – PICK UP YOUR GUN AND SHOOT THE FOLLOWERS OF THE EVIL PROPHET MUHAMMAD.”

    • Ronbo says:

      The next shoe to drop in the world of ridiculous will be a black woman who says at the age of five that she became aware of her whiteness.

      I suppose she could bleach her black skin white like Michael Jackson did.

  6. Darin says:

    What this means is we are about to be swarmed with f–king Haitians

    I’m just sure Obama will welcome them with open arms and bushel baskets of tax money :evil:

  7. Darin says:

    “If Supreme Court Rules Against Obamacare, Republicans ‘Amazingly’ Have No Strategy, Conservatives Say”

    They have no plan,because they don’t want Obamacare repealed. :evil:

    • Ronbo says:

      First of all, the Supreme Progressives are going to rubber stamp anything Boss Nigger Obama sends their way – and – TWO-

      If by some miracle Supreme Judge Kennedy is having a bad hair day and votes with RW Supremes to derail Obamacare in one of those rare 5-4 decisions -El Presidente will simply deem his seizure of one-sixth of the economy legal and binding forever by way of Presidential Orders (Rule By Decree)

      Win, lose, or draw the Progressives always win…It’s kinda like breaking the bank at Caesar Palace in Las Vegas – Yes, in theory it can be done, but it never has been done.

  8. KG says:

    Sigh….the lunacy continues:
    ‘USA to Remove Alexander Hamilton from $10 Bill, Replace with Woman’
    What woman is there of the stature of Hamilton? One who “identifies as black”, perhaps?

    • tranquil says:

      I don’t think they’ll see stature as a qualification. My bet is on a leftist.
      Wouldn’t be surprised to see Hilary Clinton on it.