If you’re male, you’re guilty

‘…”Accused is guilty’: Campus rape tribunals punish without proof
A former Amherst College student is just the latest in a long line of men whose lives have been turned upside-down after being accused of sexual assault in what they say were consensual encounters, punished in campus tribunals where, in some cases, critics say, they’re guilty even after proving their innocence.
The former student, whose name has not been made public, was expelled after his alleged victim, the roommate of his girlfriend, complained some 21 months after the incident and despite what evidence appears to show was consensual sex. As in many campus procedures which enforce school sanctions and not criminal law, only a finding that he was “more likely than not” guilty was necessary….’

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31 Responses to If you’re male, you’re guilty

  1. Darin says:

    The whole concept of a campus tribunal wreaks of communist social “justice”nonsense.They have no legal binding authority and the only correct response to a summons from one of these lefty hatefest sessions is to simply send an attorney to it with a legal “scorched earth” letter informing them that all seated members of the tribunal,as well as the accuser and university will be sued.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Well Darin, the end of the video showed that he can appeal the case, through another judge. When this happens then of course he could sue these people for the damages caused. But this is exactly what I expected from these White Ribbon Society people saying we’re expected to have too much evidence, we need this changed.

      • Darin says:

        Warren,I have heard the “he can sue” argument from too many people.You can sue anyone you want,but you can’t get blood from a Turnip.He has suffered real damage to his finances and reputation and now must endure a decade of legal expenses and court battles to get his life back.I call bullshit on that,if it were me she would be walking with a limp right now :evil:

        Even if he did sue and win this will follow him wherever he goes from now on effectively ruining any potential he had for earning a decent living in his desired field.Meanwhile the lying slut (and that is exactly what she is no sense mincing words) will slip away clean as a whistle.There simply are no consequences for the liar in this.This will not end well for women on campus and elsewhere either.Men will revert to what works and if this continues there will be lying sluts walking with a permanent limp nation wide.

        • Warren Tooley says:

          Darin, I know that the justice system is completely munted. So maybe your right, maybe it won’t be worth it. On the other hand maybe he can try and will get at least something for all of his troubles. Its the university that is at fault. Yeah the slut lied and all that, but its the university that hasn’t delivered to him what he paid for.

          Their funding is on condition that they take complaints at face value, but also made another agreement with a student to help them get a degree. They can’t keep both promises. If he was kicked out after the first semester, he could easily just go elsewhere. Getting close to finishing and having it thrown away, with all the mud is what makes it a tragedy.

          Now about your point about lying sluts. Maybe men will look at the life of Joseph, and realise that if they get alone with a women who is a lying slut, it comes with a big price tag. After Joseph was alone, that’s when he was falsely accussed. She also aggressively demanded her way. So the message I’m trying to get out to men, is only bother with those who are reasonably honest, and will respect you. Cause those people won’t, tell lies when they don’t get their own way.

          I’ve had four women who’ve told lies about me. They were all sluts and dirty liars. Anyhow this may seem far fetched to some people, but I can remember every girl who liked me, went out with me, and I have to say the biggest liars and sluts, were like this girl.

          So what I’m trying to say, is their’s going to be many lonely girls, until they can get some discipline in their lives, because once men understand what I know, men will know just how risky these girls are. This is my counterattack on the feminists.

          • Darin says:

            The way this injustice system has been set up a man doesn’t even need to be alone or even know her.She can pick some one out of a crowd,lie and get the whole ball rolling.

            Lawsuits require money,these institutions have lot’s of it and they also carry insurance.No pain will be felt by the school,it just won’t.They will point to that Obama admin dictate and say it ain’t us and the judge will go along with it.

            The same thing happens more and more frequently especially when dealing with local,state and federal government.They willfully violate Constitutional rights and get away with it because very few can afford the uphill legal climb and even if they do take them on and win,it does no good.Nothing changes because the people behind it making decisions never feel any personal pain,that is passed on to the taxpayers.

            • KG says:

              “Nothing changes because the people behind it making decisions never feel any personal pain,that is passed on to the taxpayers.”
              Exactly. Which is why we have to target their personal lives and property.
              I’d sooner pay someone to break their legs and destroy their property than pay a lawyer.

              • Warren Tooley says:

                Or KG, maybe people could just boycott them. How bout we have men only US colleges? Or how bout men just go overseas, to do courses? Or how bout people do it by distance? Now if this was to happen, the universities that are feminist would crash and burn. Because in most cases the men are earning the money. So if you take us out, they will have financial problems.

              • Warren Tooley says:

                About lawyers. Lawyers belong to a guild, and lawyers have made an oath to keep the interests of a certain group of people first. What it means is that lawyers are happy to take on the little people, but they are not going to effectively take on the state, at least in most cases. But you can take on the state without a lawyer. Once you’ve agreed to use a lawyer, you’ve simply used an officer of the court, who is loyal to the court. People find this out the hard way. They pay them plenty to find out certain things, after the money is taken ‘I’m just an officer of the court’.

              • Warren Tooley says:

                “The attorney is an Officer of the Court. His first duty is to the courts and the public, not to his client…” 7 Corpus Juris Secundum, 4, pg. 802

                “Ninety percent of all trial attorneys in this country are incompetent.”- Warren Burger-former Supreme court justice.

                So I wouldn’t use a lawyer anyway.

              • Wombat says:

                Never break a leg. You’ll be caught and convicted, even if the victim has to give false evidence which they surely will.

                Trash ought not simply be disfigured. It ought be removed entirely.

                The only exception is if you’re good enough to pin the act on someone else deserving. Then, after bastard #2 has been convicted you can quietly make bastard #1 aware that they’ve been played.

                The courts would sooner pull their own teeth than overturn a conviction and start a new investigation, particularly if the victim demonstrably lied in the first instance to obtain that outcome.

                “Your honour, when I said that I recognised bastard#2 as the legbreaker, what I meant was…”

            • Warren Tooley says:

              Darin, are you serious? Surely I thought they would ask questions about the whereabouts of where the person was.

              • Darin says:

                It’s not the validity of the charge it’s seriousness of the allegation.

                They on the left have been doing this for years,only now through this contrived tribunal nonsense they can affect real damage and not just damage the reputation.

                • Warren Tooley says:

                  This is serious, I really don’t know who would want to raise a child, in this sort of environment. Well I finished my uni studies, so I’m safe for now, until they integrate this in other parts of society.

                • Wombat says:

                  It’s already everywhere.
                  How long would uni activists have to protest and vandalize your workplace until your boss fired you?
                  After that, which progressive complaints tribunal are you going to get justice through?

  2. Darin says:

    Years ago they would be fenced in places and called Asylums,now they call them universitieshttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif


  3. Warren Tooley says:

    I just found something interesting:


    Amherst is doing this because that is a condition to them receiving funds. If they don’t take sexual complaints seriously, then they lose. So for this reason suing is the only thing that makes sense.

    Also, what Joseph in the bible learnt the hard way is exactly what happened. The person wanting Joseph in a sexual way, blamed Joseph, thus shifting the blame. And if you read the article in the link, she was also covering up stuff, she didn’t want to look bad. What I expect to happen, is their will be men only colleges, for those men who just don’t want this even if they have to pay a little extra.

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    If I were this man, I would have demanded my money back. I would have said I paid with the expectation of a degree. I didn’t do anything to jeopardise it. So as you haven’t given me what was expected give me my money back, or open the case in light of the evidence.

    • Wombat says:

      Years of his life down the drain.
      Reputation gone.
      Career over before it’s started.

      And the advice listed above is correct. He will probably lose more money in legal costs than he’d retrieve from the college, on top of the interest his lender is charging him in the meanwhile for his student loan.

      This is the price you pay when you make a series of mistakes, the first one being stepping foot on an American college campus. Unfair? Irrelevant. It is what it is.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Oh but Wombat, it isn’t irrelevant, how bout stepping your foot on a different college campus, then an American one. Honestly, once young men find this out, they’re going to begin to wonder if their is another way to go. I think of this as the ruin of American college campuses, it won’t be seen as for intelligent people, just a bunch of political activists. It might take 5 years for people to see it this way, but eventually they will.

        Another possibility is to have men only colleges. And how bout don’t go to parties on campus, go to parties outside of campus, and do your stuff off of it. I’m not saying that this isn’t as hard as hell, only that people use loopholes when it comes to taxes and so they might with this system. How about distance learning?

        • Wombat says:

          It’s irrelevant in as much as what’s done is done. The horse has bolted for this man.

          For others it serves as a cautionary tale.

          Anyone half way though a degree ought to take notice and keep their heads low until they have that piece of paper in their hands, then run like hell.

          • Warren Tooley says:

            With you their wombat, yes for that man its over, and everybody else in college will play it low. Well the younger people, that’s what I’m referring to. If I were them, I would seriously think about whether uni is for me or not. Could I get the skills in another way. Those are the people I was referring to. But yes, for him it is over.

  5. KG says:

    “.22 only IMO

    Everything else is too traceable.”

    12g #4 shot. Not traceable. :twisted:

    • Wombat says:

      But you gotta get close http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif and even then the spread is either going to be unpredictable or tight enough to result in amputation and likely death by exsanguination.

      ‘Course, an LTL round at short range to the base of the spine would make for an interesting case study.

      • KG says:

        Nah. Most shotgun wounds don’t seem to result in either amputation or extreme bleeding. ( Depending on the size of the shot and the range, of course).

        • Wombat says:

          Therein lies the rub. How close?

          I don’t like variables when the stakes are high.

          • KG says:

            Me neither. But sometimes accepting the variables is the better course.

            • Warren Tooley says:

              KG, if I was the sort of person who wanted to get physical revenge, and I wanted to get away with it, I would just poison their drink, and would use rubber gloves.

  6. Mathew says:

    Life is becoming more difficult for the modern male in Western societies, or should I say more hostile, perhaps this is why so many choose a partner from elsewhere. If you manage to get an education without being sued and fucked over ,you run the same risk at work. And if you escape those then you have to hand your balls over when you get home.

    Just watch, if Western men aren’t fleeing to the east, they’ll be turning to Islam or becoming gay.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Yes Matthew, that’s right. This is what the earth charter says:

      11. Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care, and economic opportunity.
      a. Secure the human rights of women and girls and end all violence against them.
      b. Promote the active participation of women in all aspects of economic, political, civil, social, and cultural life as full and equal partners, decision makers, leaders, and beneficiaries.
      c. Strengthen families and ensure the safety and loving nurture of all family members.

      Now, what is that doing in the earth charter. Well, their’s 7 billion people alive, and the elite say, that’s too much for the earth to handle. I know, how bout we create social problems, to reduce the amount of people being reproduced. And what better way then to target college students who are ready to begin a new life, and then say sorry we can’t allow this to happen. That’s what they are doing, but using their pawns to do it. So Matthew I don’t disagree with anything that you’ve said, but if your point is that more people will be gay because of it, it has to be for the purposes that we have 7 billion people, and the elite say that’s too much.