Open house

‘God vs. Gay Author Accuses Scalia of Treason
and Terrorism
The war of words is soon to become a call to arms’
Daniel Greenfield

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24 Responses to Open house

  1. rivoniaboy says:

    Ain’t this the truth….
    “Gordon Liddy, in his highly readable book Will, made the point that if your response to provocation is wildly disproportionate and unpredictable, no one will fuck with you. Yep. This is why reporters are afraid of Moslems, and governments are afraid of blacks. Journalists know that Moslems will not hesitate to kill them and their families if they criticize what’s-his-name, and governments know that blacks will burn whole cities if provoked. Both groups get their way.”
    Fred Reed.

  2. mawm says:

    On a lighter note – boat refugees……….

  3. Contempt says: we have here is a failure to communicate. In April 2009 I attended the first Tea Party in front of my State House in Columbia, South Carolina, USA. There were an estimated 4,000 people there whose only thought was that our government should balance the budget, close the borders, have discipline in national affairs. We must balance our family budget and lock our doors. So does our country. We heard a list of potential terrorists read from the podium. We were all on the list. The list had been prepared by our government. We were labelled racists and creepy ass cracKas. Huh?

    In the meantime our president demeans and apologizes for our country. Huh?

    Then he et al demeans our police as racist. Huh?

    Then an idiot blasts away in Charleston. And in unison the Confederate battle flag becomes a worldwide issue. Huh?

    Then et cetera and so forth and so on ad nauseum.

    My country has and is descending into territory that has been charted before in the past. Give up your morals, your God given heart and soul, your zest for life. What happens? We all die. Sad.

    • HarvardPotatoHead says:

      !!!II4DC*!!!Cointempt see below**

      *II4DC – it is for d children. Duuhh!!!
      **see above

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    This is why Ted Cruz should be, but will certainly not be, the next POTUS. Using Katie Couric for batting practice…

  5. Darin says:

    Relax,everything is fine :mrgreen:

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    Dang, missed it … 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo a couple of weeks ago.

    • KG says:

      Visit the site of the battle, and you could be forgiven for thinking that Napoleon won. The winners are barely mentioned.

      • Wombat says:

        “It’s not about who wins or loses, y’know?

        The only important thing is to do your best and have fun.”

        -As heard from the mouth of Jane Smith, grand high self improvement counselor of the armed forces circa 2025.

  7. KG says:

    ‘New York Times associate managing editor for standards Phil Corbett – the Jill Singer of US media – explains why his paper published an image of the Pope made from condoms but didn’t publish any Charlie Hebdo cartoons:

    I don’t think these situations – the Milwaukee artwork and the various Muhammad caricatures – are really equivalent. For one thing, many people might disagree, but museum officials clearly consider this Johnson piece to be a significant artwork.

    Also, there’s no indication that the primary intent of the portrait is to offend or blaspheme …

    And finally, the very different reactions bears this out. Hundreds of thousands of people protested worldwide, for instance, after the Danish cartoons were published some years ago. While some people might genuinely dislike this Milwaukee work, there doesn’t seem to be any comparable level of outrage.

    Translation: Catholics won’t try to kill us, so we’re not scared of them.’

  8. Darin says:


    Packing around a kid on your back that is well old enough to walk on their own is simply ridiculous.

  9. ‘God vs. Gay Author Accuses Scalia of Treason
    and Terrorism
    The war of words is soon to become a call to arms’

    The M.O. of the Left was summed up neatly by the character from the Dune novels, Paul Muad’dib:

    “When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”

    • Pascal says:

      Nicely put. It’s the “Progressive” way. Incrementally making gains in their seeking to eliminate republics and install their ilk as merciless authoritarian rulers, but always under one subterfuge or another.

      This is how I laid out the Progress of these retrogrades (with their Anti-Enlightment goals) by the disguises they’ve worn. The 3rd stage was nearly a century long. The last stages have occurred in the last decade.

      Altruistic ==► Casuistic ==► Craven ==► Shameless ==► Brazen ==► Sneer at US ==► Contempt for US ==► The Final Solution

      They essentially announced that last stage themselves when the Greens (with world-wide corporate sponsorship) produced that slick and nasty Sustainability programme they called “10-10 No Pressure” back in October 2010.

    • Pascal says:

      I don’t know if you’ll see this at this late date, but I recalled this morning
      this other way it has been said:

      “Liberalism is nothing more than the ideological disguise of the will-to-power of some people, who could not themselves be less Liberal” — Albert Camus