Generation useless?

pajama-boy-screenshot-640x480 ‘Generation unprepared: The school and university leavers with ‘no skills to work at all
OVER the past 18 months, Queensland mining employer Jack Trenamen has developed a formula that helps him predict the performance of his new apprentices.
The country kids who have worked on mum and dad’s farm from a young age will work hard and appreciate every dollar they get. “You can’t fault ‘em on work ethic,” he says, adding that it shows in their performance…’
There are some very fine young people out there, but their numbers seem to be getting fewer and it’s probably due to two things – the lack of fathers and an almost totally marxist/female education system.

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26 Responses to Generation useless?

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I really don’t blame young people. After all, they’re tipped into ProgLib indoctrination factories at 5 years old, and most remain fully-immersed for the following decade at least. Some for 2 decades. So we really can’t expect much more from them.

    We allowed the enemy to take over the institutions and instrumentalities of the civil society, and so we now have no right to complain when those institutions break down. It’s merely chimps doing what chimps do.

    That said, it does sadden me that so few see the collapse of western civilisation in the eyes of these deluded, entitled, arrogant, over-qualified under-educated self-esteem junkies.

    • Pascal says:

      How would we have prevented it given that most termite Progs always knew how to sufficiently hide their nefarious intentions sufficiently to avoid any detections other than suspicion? Decent people do not respond with extreme prejudice on suspicions alone and the sociopaths seem to know just how far they can venture before triggering such defenses.

      Let me refrain from adding a great number more observations to this discussion.

      Instead, let me ask an honest question.
      It seems that all civilizations, no matter how firmly morally based, will always be at the mercy of sociopaths as it matures. Is this an inevitable cycle of each epoch?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Pascal, I don’t know the answer to your first question, because even though our enemy has been slowly, slowly burrowing into our institutions for the past half-century, it seems like we woke up one morning to find it happened overnight.

        Had we been awake, we might have seen it. They told us what they were going to do. Gramsci, Alinsky et. al. published their plans. Laid them out before us.

        But it seems we either weren’t watching, or didn’t believe they could do it.

        As to your final question, I suspect the answer is “yes”. At least, the totality of human history and experience would indicate thus.

        • Pascal says:

          Yes Gantt. Notice those are all radicals who laid out their plan. But it was the craven “moderates” who were deploying the plan.

          My 2nd question arose because of the following fact. Even though there were very many who pointed to their activities as seemingly following the plan of the radicals, there remained likely fifth columnists in our own ranks who relentlessly brought charges against those who called foul (and still do!) as being “overwrought” at best. Thin-entering wedge, Camel’s nose under the tent, Slippery slope and boiling frog metaphors all served us naught.

          It was sociopathic “moderates” who did the dirty deed. The two step forward one step back “Progs” who almost always succeeded. Hence, that is why we both are inclined to that same answer to the 2nd question.

    • Cadwallader says:

      You know Gantt, as I am closing in on retirement I was entertaining the notion of attending my local university to do a few subjects just to keep my brain ticking over. I spoke to a friend whose daughter had recently finished a course to two there and he warned me off. He predicted that were I to attend any classes in the Arts/Humanities I would in all likelihood encounter some denim clad marxist lesbian who will detest me on sight! It gets worse, apparently being “wrong” in a subject doesn’t solely include factual inaccuracies but has stretched to conflicting opinions. Therefore to be “correct” requires a subscription to the mantras of the institution and not to any determinative reality. I now understand how the very loose term “hate-speech” is routinely applied to any topic outside the permitted domains of the institution’s group-think. Why bother to go there?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        I have heard someone else say somewhere (likely Bill Whittle or Andrew Klavan) that for Progs, being wrong is forgivable, being “incorrect” is not. It sounds like you would have been setting yourself up for a world of intellectual hurt.

        • Cadwallader says:

          Setting myself up to undertake blood-curdling retribution too?

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            The problem with that is, it isn’t yet Open Season on Prog trolls. If you take a kinetic approach, they’d paint you as the bad guy!

          • andy5759 says:

            Curdled blood first needed to flow. I do hope that that would not be the outcome of your further education, probably.

  2. nominto says:

    I employed a work experience science under grad who had the cheek to say that she was going into management [without putting any time in]to run places like ours [and therefore have the likes of me grovelling to her!!] …needless to say, I had an interesting conversation with her course supervisor. I come across at least 75% of these types who are not only work ready, they have this air of privilege where hard work doesn’t apply to them – But they don’t seem to care [figure pampered spoilt rich kids]… and this is just the Kiwi born..
    ..when I interview “qualified” foreign applicants that’s when it gets real hard- but someone gave me tips in how to sift them out – ie/. “prove it”- I take them through to a work area and say demonstrate what you can do [soon see a fish out of water].
    Utterly amazing how creative they are in populating their CV’s with pure fiction- and the worst thing is; they actually believe it!

    • Wombat says:

      “Utterly amazing how creative they are in populating their CV’s with pure fiction- and the worst thing is; they actually believe it!”

      Sounds like most of the imported doctors here in Australia.

      One of them botched my wife’s epidural during the birth of our second boy. The (Australian born and trained) doctor tasked with repairing such damage was so frustrated he let it slip that since the butcher in question had arrived, botched epidurals had literally increased 300%.

      Apparently he used to do the epidurals himself, and now all he does is repair the ones the imported witchdoctor has fucked up.

  3. dondiego says:

    Mr Trenamen is correct. I’ve been in/at my current role 6-8 months and have given up on explaining basic common-sense for how to advance or get picked for overtime etc.

    I’m even thinking seriously now of upping my game, which means harsh(er) physical work on my damaged body for a greater %.
    My “logic” being if I’m going to have to work until I’m dead then I might as well go hard while I can. Which I estimate is five years. I have ZERO faith in the State/kids coming through being able to look after me later.

    In the Townsville Bulletin you get free with your entry to the track [V8s & GTs] I read visas are going to be looked at again to allow more 3rd worlders into positions of trust like aged and infant care

    I’d rather die painfully in my own filth than have Sanje & Habib roll me for the last of my hard-earned and precious trinkets. Which leads me to ask: Is there any tax in Aus on property other than rates (as mentioned by Cad in the other thread)? I want to retire/die up in North Queensland or the Northern Territory. An Aborigine mate in N.T told me most of the smaller farms we passed were on long-term Govt lease.

    I know it sounds like a case of being too lazy to do my own homework, however the recent yarn with the boss of a Super outfit (at the track, so just their rep) didn’t answer any questions just muddied what I’d read through the link(s*) provided by Gantt here earlier.

    *I only got to read the one, and right now I still haven’t fully unpacked and it feels like past my bedtime. Zonked emoticon /

  4. Darin says:

    Recently I went to pick up some Stainless Steel parts I had fabricated for a job I was doing.The fab shop I deal with for that was started by the current owner’s father 20 years ago and everybody working there is 40+ years old.There is no new blood coming up.The shop foreman and I have have known each other for nearly 15 years we are both in our mid 40s.I asked him what is the world going to do once we are too old to work?He shook his head and said “the world is f–ked,these kids are lazy,stupid and un-trainable,work ethic they think can be cured with penicillin and if they aren’t the next American Idol winner they just stand around texting.
    If you tell them to get off it and do something they get pissy,sulk and call mommy”

    • Pascal says:

      Prediction. Someone who doesn’t quit but gets fired for excessive use of social media will file a lawsuit. They will claim to have been discriminated against due to their disability: an addiction beyond their ability to cope.

      • KG says:


        • andy5759 says:


          How does all of the above tie in to the New World Order? Are the power hungry bastards actually looking to turn us into a race of hairdressers and management consultants? That way we will be well coiffed as we march lock-step into a bright new five year plan whilst singing the company anthem in perfect harmony.

  5. Lara says:

    I didn’t let them take over our institutions, they just did that by stealth. What were we supposed to do? Take them out one by one and then be prisoned for the rest of our lives?
    They took over long ago!!!!

  6. Mathew says:

    Give it time, when reality mugs them and the local dumpster is empty they’ll figure out a good work ethic all by themselves. Just look at Greece, only 2 weeks ago the lefties were squawking about resistance, the nazis can bugger off and all that. Heck they even voted for it; a week later they’re back groveling and ready to make a deal, any deal. Mugged by reality.

    When there’s no job and no food, they’ll wake up to themselves and take a right into humble avenue.