‘How Many Ways You No Longer Have a Private Life:
…Next time you’re updating your Facebook, you be careful out there. Don’t go thinking you’re living in a free country. That, and we all live in the snitch society now. Forget the threat of external terrorism, we have an internal surveillance state which is far beyond the bounds of what a free, western society should have settled for without (at least) civil rebellion..’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Hey ladies all those naughty nudie pxts ya’ll sending end up in the government database files….For your protection of course
No matter where you are, you are subject to the judgment of passers-by. The age of the cell-phone camera plus the ability to upload means surveillance is truly eternal and omnipotent. I understand any smart-phone can depict locality, movements etc.. No point heading up the jungle if you take the phone too. I have promised myself that one day before I die I am going to rid myself of a phone…just not today.
I don’t have a Smartphone.
I like my privacy. If you want me, call my office and leave a message.
Didn’t we always know?
I’m on FB, but you won’t find family pictures or anything of a personal nature.
Ditto my FB pals – we use our accounts to comment on the news and politics.
Live a “normal” life on electronic media, just don’t take anything electronic with you if you want operational security (that includes your car).
Indeed. The latest cars are perfect little electronic informers.
That’s another reason why I am sticking with my 20 year old pickup.No sat nav and no Onstar.Also no notes,cheap insurance,cheap parts and my license tag last week has dropped to $19.78/year
Yep. And we will be sticking to our old Mercedes. Cheap parts, no onboard snitch. Not that we get any rebate on our licence fee.
‘Hackers Have the Power to Remotely Hijack Half a Million Chrysler Cars’
No problem folks, the government already has our number. There is something real sick going on way past the government telling you what to do. They already know.
The bastards sure do.