More of the Planned Parenthood video posted today-
“At the end of the video, like Nucatola, Gatter talks about changing the abortion technique to get intact specimens, changing from a rather violent suction method that would destroy tissue to what she calls an IPAS, which is a reference to a nonprofit company that makes and distributes “manual vacuum aspirators” which would be a less harmful way to get at the internal organs. She said there would be protocol issues with the patient but that she saw no problem with it. She calls it a “less crunchy” way to get intact organs.
At the end of the tape provided by CMP, Gatter jokes about wanting “a Lamborghini” for body parts.”
If this doesn’t cause a guttural revolt against these sick bastards then there simply is no hope for this nation.The cup of wrath is filled to overflowing and it’s about to be poured out.
A curse, a curse upon their heads
O save them Lord or slay them dead
And fill our country with your Dread
And turn away Your anger.-From The Malediction
I became aware of the death cult in the Western hierarchy in early 1970s. All due to a spontaneous joke about euthanasia in response to the wild push to legalize abortion. The leader in the room took the suggestion seriously. “Not yet. That’s for later.” The rest of the room nodded in agreement.
Problem for most of the time to awaken the targets of this trend ever since has been that the anti-human agenda was too outrageous for normal people to accept. The notion that there are people who weigh human life solely on a utilitarian scale instead of propping up the live and let live civilization that has led to unprecedented advances seemed impossible. And, unfortunately for most people who are its targets, it still does.
Anyone thinking this can be turned around without drastic measures? The more likely outcome is that something like what happened to that black conservative yesterday, and what happened to Andrew Breitbart three years ago, will happen to the producer of these stings and it will all go underground again. The sheep simply do not wanna know. You tell them the truth and they treat you like Cassandra.
And the excuse given by Planned Parenthood is spurious as well
Pascal, I feel the same way you do today at times – that all is lost, but what gets me away from “The Black Dog” of depression and defeatism is the RIGHTEOUS ANGER from patriots that I read on Twitter and FB….
…and over the last ten years I’ve noticed this anger at the Leftists grow and grow to the point where today it was become pure hatred…The patriot Right no longer puts its hope in elections, petitions and demonstrations…
What to do?…The answer is obvious what to do when an odious regime comes to power that is hated by millions of well armed people.
Yes, the anger is being more and more expressed – and I think We The People have found a leader in Donald Trump – a man who shoots straight from the hip and doesn’t back down.
Yes, Pascal, never underestimate the power of anger and hate – I can tell you from my personal prison experience that it was “The study of revenge” that got me thru a terrible and dangerous period in my life in one piece. I can remember one time that I forced a big black convict back down when he angered me. My friends who watched the stand off said my face changed into a horrible mask of hatred and fearlessness, my voice sent the fear of the devil into them, although it was directed against my almost opponent, and somehow I seemed much bigger.
The bottom line: my enemy backed down and I triumphed in front of dozens of hardcore convicts…
Today Obama backed down and pulled the flag down to half staff to honor the five servicemen so foully murdered…Why? I’ll tell you why – THE ANGER! THE RAGE! from patriots. He became afraid and retreated just like my opponent did back in 1998.
Pascal, there is a limit to this shit and just because “Johnny hasn’t got his gun” and started shooting doesn’t mean he won’t….
Thanks for your attempts to boost my spirit Ronbo. From a perspective that yearns to see some just desserts delivered, I’d love to see that day arrive. What pains me is that the likelihoond of new society anywhere near as free as this one has provided for the common man, and all mankind as a consequence, achievements undreamed of 300 years ago, and even some only 30 years ago, can never recover from what the evil schemers have sought to destroy. Whatever good may follow I do not see being near so free or successful without some divine intervention.
None of us can say they know for a certainty that a supernatural event is imminent, so let’s put that away for the believers to accept and hope they are correct.
But beyond that, we can know for a certainty that our posterity will have a wisdom we lacked. They ought never permit the levels of trust to which our society fell victim. And that will slow the acquisition of knowledge. Perhaps that’s for the best. Look what the knowledge of human organ transport has wrought amongst the powerful who think they now may never die as long as there is a sufficient supply of commoners. If gruesome reports out of China are in anyway correct, that knowledge has helped efface our horror of cannibalism.
Even Huxley and Orwell didn’t suggest it would go that far. But it was H.G.Wells who did so, and earlier, with his Morlocks!
Given Wells’ influence over his mistress Margaret Sanger, looks like that influence is peeking through here. Remember, in the first video, when Dr. Nucatola denied having a clue what the buyers wanted baby legs for. Let someone ask her what a Morlock is and see how she reacts.
“What to do?…The answer is obvious what to do when an odious regime comes to power that is hated by millions of well armed people.”
Good reading and frustration reducers.
1) “The sheep simply do not wanna know. You tell them the truth and they treat you like Cassandra.”
Of course – because facing the truth would mean they have to face their own cowardice and silence.
2) “Pascal, there is a limit to this shit and just because “Johnny hasn’t got his gun” and started shooting doesn’t mean he won’t….”
I hope to God you’re right.
KG, As you see in my response to Ronbo, I know that solution is not only bloody, it also means accepting that the Golden Age is finished. With a new Age comes the awareness that we have lost a great deal that can never be recovered.
In other words, it will be time to mourn.
Mourn – and then re-build. The endless cycle.
It admits having let the old girl down. Not entirely of my volition, but I am certain I did not try hard enough to save her.
Lately I have had this sense of dread,the same one I had before 9/11 and Katrina that something bad is coming.
“Things” certainly seem to be ramping up, don’t they?
I think Putin will use Iran as a nuclear first strike proxy to take out our power grid and blind our satellites while the imported muslim trash act as cannon fodder for pre-invasion softening up action.
That’d make a hell of a movie plot, if it weren’t such a nightmare scenario.
Surely these are End Times. The signs are all there and things are snowballing fast. The Left have all the institutions, the governments, the world. I fear for the future, I reckon H G Wells, visionary that he is, just touched on it!!!
I wouldn’t be surprised if another Holocaust happened, but on an even bigger scale. The left view dissenters as cannon-fodder after all. Nothing would surprise me, in fact.
Me neither, Lara.
Evil is always theoretical until we come face-to-face with it.
Precisely whose children are being chopped up and sold for parts?
“Am I suggesting that Planned Parenthood purposely mines a specific minority group for “products of conception”? Yep. There has long been concern in the black community that this organization views African-Americans as grist for its abortion mills. Dr. Alveda King, niece of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, has put it thus: “The most obvious practitioner of racism in the United States today is Planned Parenthood… founded by the eugenicist Margaret Sanger and recently documented as ready to accept money to eliminate black babies.” Her reference to money involves Planned Parenthood’s willingness to accept targeted donations for the abortion of African-American infants.”
When, oh when will blacks wake up to their true enemies?
Some are beginning to,but it is a long,slow process.
Enemies? Morlocks don’t look at Eloi as enemies any more than we look at cattle as enemies. We can be sure that Sanger’s intentions became purely benign after she came under the influence of her lover HG Wells. Oh, wait….