‘Government Backed Feminist ‘Re-Education’ Workshops For Schoolboys
Feminist workshops to “re-educate” boys in school are on the rise, following new government guidelines issued in March. The first ‘Good Lad Workshop‘ was held for boys as young as 16 at the St Edward’s School, Oxford, this month.
……In November last year, The Times reported on a “programme” in a school in London in which American women, including former sex crime prosecutors, “re-programme teenage boys’ sexual manners so they are fit for a feminist world.”…’
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I was brought up during the 60s when “girl watching” was not yet a crime. In the last decade, went working with bright young fully hetro male professionals it was apparent that they had been conditioned to not look at or even notice even aggressively pubescent and provocatively attired young women on the street. For years, the major feminist definition of rape was that it wasn’t about sex, but about securing power over women – by that definition, American young men have already be societally raped by the American feminist movement. Now apparently, they wish to share that experience with the Brits.
The feminist definition of “rape” is “Men behaving normally and as they’ve always done so!” Nothing to do with violence, forced penetration etc.. more to do with offering a drink, holding open a swinging door, admiring a hairdo, being chivalrous etc…
Sigh…exactly. And then some women complain that chivalry is dead!
“..by that definition, American young men have already be societally raped by the American feminist movement.”
Next will be gender reassignment at birth,assuming any boys are born.