Uncommon Valor

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“Some of the five servicemen who were fatally wounded effectively sacrificed themselves during the assault on Thursday, diverting the gunman from a larger group of potential victims, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation into the killings.

“This could have been a lot worse,” said the official, who did not want to be identified because he was not authorized to discuss the investigation. “It could have been a horrible, horrible massacre — so much worse.”

And our SCFOAMF took the weekend to even fly the flag at half staff :evil:

Volunteers getting it done while Congress navel gazes-


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8 Responses to Uncommon Valor

  1. Brown says:

    Why don’t the soldiers have their side arms on at all times when in uniform? One would think the US is not at war with an enemy that is undercover (barely) at home.

    • KG says:

      One would. But Obama and the slimeball Pentagon brass really don’t give a stuff about dead soldiers. :evil:

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      They don’t give a stuff about dead soldiers, and they’re scared shitless of the living.

      • Ronbo says:

        There has never been a putsch by the U.S. military in our history; however, England never had a military putsch until Cromwell marched the troops into Parliament and arrested the PMs…that was after he had behead the king.

        What happened once could happen again – the U.S. military hates Obama worse than the Praetorian Guard hated Caligula.

  2. Jamie says:

    “Recruiters will not acknowledge the presence or interact with these civilians. If questioned by these alleged concerned citizens; be polite, professional, and terminate the conversation immediately and report the incident to local law enforcement and complete USAREC Form 958 IAW USAREC 190-4 (SIR)”


    Breakin the law breakin law